释义 |
maxillotomy maxillotomy [mak″sĭ-lot´ah-me] surgical sectioning of the maxilla, which allows movement of all or part of the maxilla into the desired position.max·il·lot·o·my (mak'si-lot'ŏ-mē), Surgical sectioning of the maxilla to allow movement of all or a part of the maxilla into the desired portion. [maxilla + G. tomē, incision] maxillotomy (măk′sə-lŏt′ə-mē)n. Surgical sectioning of the maxilla to allow movement of all or a part of the maxilla into the desired position.maxillotomy An incision into the maxilla.max·il·lot·o·my (mak'si-lot'ŏ-mē) Surgical sectioning of the maxilla to allow movement of all or a part of the maxilla into the desired position. [maxilla + G. tomē, incision]max·il·lot·o·my (mak'si-lot'ŏ-mē) Surgical sectioning of maxilla to allow movement of all or a part of the maxilla into desired portion. [maxilla + G. tomē, incision] |