Nikolai Lvovich Tiblen

Tiblen, Nikolai L’vovich


Born 1825 in St. Petersburg; died after 1869. Russian publisher and printer.

Tibien, after serving in the Crimean War (1853–56), left military service in 1859 and opened a printing house in St. Petersburg. He was ideologically close to the revolutionary democratic figures of the 1860’s. Tibien published the first Russian-language editions of several major foreign works, primarily in natural science and philosophy. These included works by F. Guizot, T. B. Macaulay, H. T. Buckle, H. Spencer, J. S. Mill, and J.-J. Rousseau. In 1862, Tibien published the first complete edition of A. S. Griboedov’s Woe From Wit, with illustrations by M. S. Bashilov.

In 1868, Tibien published the periodical collection Novyepisateli (New Writers) and the journal Sovremennoe obozrenie (Contemporary Review). In the same year, on the verge of bankruptcy, he went abroad, and his subsequent fate is unknown.


Barenbaum, I. E. “Izdatel’skaia deiatel’nost’ N. L. Tiblena.” In Knigaigrafika. [Moscow, 1972.]