

单词 mfa



abbr. Master of Fine Arts


Master of Fine Arts.
Noun1.MFA - a master's degree in fine artsMFA - a master's degree in fine arts Master of Fine Artsmaster's degree - an academic degree higher than a bachelor's degree but lower than a doctor's degree
EncyclopediaSeemulti-factor authentication


MFAMaster of Fine Arts
MFAMissouri Farmers Association (Columbia, MO)
MFAMinistry of Foreign Affairs
MFAMuseum of Fine Arts (Boston, MA, USA)
MFAMinistry of Food and Agriculture (various locations)
MFAMinistry for Foreign Affairs (various nations)
MFAMulti-Factor Authentication (login security)
MFAMortgage Finance Authority (various locations)
MFAMade for AdSense
MFAMaterial Flow Analysis (industrial ecology)
MFAMarine and Fisheries Agency (UK)
MFAMean Field Approximation (statistics)
MFAMovement for Actors
MFAMedical Fitness Association (various locations)
MFAMulti File Area
MFAModify Field Attribute
MFAMulti Function Adapter
MFAMulti Function Output Channel a
MFAManaged Funds Association
MFAModular Framework Animation
MFAMean Field Annealing (algorithm)
MFAMalaysian Franchise Association
MFAMass Flow Analysis (water)
MFAMulti Fiber Agreement (textile trade)
MFAMovimento das Forças Armadas (Portuguese Armed Forces Movement)
MFAMigrant Forum in Asia
MFAMidnight Funk Association
MFAMaster Facility Agreement (Ghana)
MFAMusic for America
MFAMunicipal Finance Authority (Canada)
MFAMitsui Fudosan America (Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.)
MFAMedical First Aid (STCW course)
MFAMandatory Fee Arbitration
MFAMesse Frankfurt Ausstellungen (German trade show)
MFAMixed Fighting Alliance (martial arts promotions)
MFAMouvement des Forces d'avenir (French: Movement of Forces for the Future)
MFAMedical Financial Assistance (medical insurance providers)
MFAManned Flight Awareness (NASA)
MFAMilitary Family Assistance (Louisiana)
MFAMinnesota Forestry Association
MFAMaster Financial Advisor
MFAMidCoast Fine Arts (Rock Island, IL)
MFAMalaysian Flying Academy
MFAMidwest Forage Association
MFAMinnesota Frisbee Association (est. 1975)
MFAMichigan Forest Association
MFAMolecular-Field Approximation
MFAMinimum Flight Altitude
MFAMinimum Fund Assured (India)
MFAMarket Feedback Analysis
MFAMaximum Floor Area
MFAMutuelle Familiale d'Aquitaine (French: Mutual Home of Aquitaine; healthcare provider)
MFAMessage Frame Address
MFAMedium Frequency Active
MFAMold Flow Analysis (plastics molding)
MFAManagement Functional Area (ITU-T M 3400)
MFAMassachusetts Forestry Association
MFAManitoba Fencing Association
MFAMeningitis Foundation of America Inc.
MFAMeasure of Functional Abstraction
MFAMakassed Foundation of America
MFAModified Full Adder
MFAMilitary Forces Analysis
MFAMarin Family Action (San Rafael, CA)
MFAManeuver Functional Area
MFAModel Franchise Agreement
MFAMen's Fashion Association of America
MFAMulti-Frame Assignment
MFAMulti-Function Array
MFAMinor Fixed Assets
MFAMessage Format Area
MFAMilitary Functions Appropriation
MFAMethacrylated Fatty Acid
MFAMarine Forces Africa (US Marine Corps)
MFAMoving Forward Australia (behavioral and spiritual development services)
MFAMateriel Fielding Agreements
MFAMulti-Function Antenna
MFAMiscellaneous Federal Agencies
MFAMissouri Futsal Association
MFAMinority Franchisee Association
MFAMatched Filter Acquisition
MFAMid-Frequency Acoustics
MFAMission Functional Area
MFAMicroelectronic Failure Analysis
MFAMultifunction Attachment
MFAMercantile Fleet Auxiliary
MFAMaridi Farmers Association


  • noun

Synonyms for MFA

noun a master's degree in fine arts


  • Master of Fine Arts

Related Words

  • master's degree




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