

单词 late



L0060500 (lāt)adj. lat·er, lat·est 1. a. Coming, occurring, continuing, or remaining after the correct, usual, or expected time; delayed: a late breakfast; a late meeting. See Synonyms at tardy.b. Occurring at an advanced hour, especially well into the evening or night: a late movie on television; the late flight to Denver.2. Of or toward the end or more advanced part, as of a period or stage: the late 19th century; a later symptom of the disease.3. a. Having begun or occurred just previous to the present time; recent: a late development.b. Contemporary; up-to-date: the latest fashion.4. a. Having recently occupied a position or place: the company's late president gave the address.b. Dead, especially if only recently deceased: in memory of the late explorer. See Synonyms at dead.adv. later, latest 1. After the expected, usual, or proper time: a train that arrived late; woke late and had to skip breakfast.2. a. At or until an advanced hour: talked late into the evening.b. At or into an advanced period or stage: a project undertaken late in her career.3. Recently: As late as last week he was still in town.Idiom: of late Recently; lately: was feeling better of late.
[Middle English, from Old English læt; see lē- in Indo-European roots.]
late′ness n.


(leɪt) adj1. occurring or arriving after the correct or expected time: the train was late. 2. (prenominal) occurring, scheduled for, or being at a relatively advanced time: a late marriage. 3. (prenominal) towards or near the end: the late evening. 4. at an advanced time in the evening or at night: it was late. 5. (prenominal) occurring or being just previous to the present time: his late remarks on industry. 6. (prenominal) having died, esp recently: my late grandfather. 7. (prenominal) just preceding the present or existing person or thing; former: the late manager of this firm. 8. of late recently; latelyadv9. after the correct or expected time: he arrived late. 10. at a relatively advanced age: she married late. 11. recently; lately: as late as yesterday he was selling books. 12. late hours rising and going to bed later than is usual13. late in the day a. at a late or advanced stageb. too late[Old English læt; related to Old Norse latr, Gothic lats] ˈlateness nUsage: Since late can mean deceased, many people think it is better to avoid using this word to refer to the person who held a post or position before its present holder: the previous (not the late) editor of The Times



adj. lat•er lat•ter, lat•est last, adj. 1. occurring after the usual or proper time: a late spring. 2. continued until after the usual time or hour: a late business meeting. 3. near or at the end of the day or into the night: a late hour. 4. most recent: a late news bulletin. 5. immediately preceding the present one: the late attorney general. 6. recently deceased: the late Mr. Phipps. 7. occurring at an advanced stage in life: a late marriage. 8. belonging to an advanced period or stage in the history or development of something: the late phase of feudalism. adv. 9. after the usual or proper time, or after delay: to arrive late. 10. until after the usual time or hour; until an advanced hour, esp. of the night: to work late. 11. at or to an advanced time. 12. recently but no longer. Idioms: of late, lately; recently. [before 900; Middle English; Old English læt slow, late, c. Old Saxon lat, Old High German laz, Old Norse latr, Gothic lats] late′ness, n. syn: See modern.


- Comes from Indo-European lad-, "slow, weary," which begat Latin lassus, "tired," before English late, meaning "slow."See also related terms for tired.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a report made to the observer or spotter, whenever there is a delay in reporting "shot" by coupling a time in seconds with the report.


– late1. 'former'

You use former in front of a noun to indicate that the person you are talking about is no longer the thing referred to by the noun. For example, the former chairman of a company used to be the chairman, but is not the chairman now.

...former President Gerald Ford....William Nickerson, a former Treasury official.
2. 'late'

You use late in front of a name or noun to indicate that the person you are talking about has recently died.

...the late Mr Parkin.I'd like to talk to you about your late husband.


– lately">lately1. 'late'

Late can be an adjective or an adverb.

If you are late for something, you arrive after the time that was arranged.

I was ten minutes late for my appointment.

You can also say that someone arrives late.

Etta arrived late.

Don't say that someone 'arrives lately'.

2. 'lately'

You use lately to say that something has been happening since a short time ago.

As you know, I've lately become interested in psychology.Have you talked to Marianne lately?
Adj.1.late - being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time; "late evening"; "late 18th century"; "a late movie"; "took a late flight"; "had a late breakfast"early - at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties"middle - between an earlier and a later period of time; "in the middle years"; "in his middle thirties"
2.late - after the expected or usual timelate - after the expected or usual time; delayed; "a belated birthday card"; "I'm late for the plane"; "the train is late"; "tardy children are sent to the principal"; "always tardy in making dental appointments"belated, tardyunpunctual - not punctual; after the appointed time
3.late - of the immediate past or just previous to the present time; "a late development"; "their late quarrel"; "his recent trip to Africa"; "in recent months"; "a recent issue of the journal"recentpast - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"
4.late - having died recently; "her late husband"dead - no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life; "the nerve is dead"; "a dead pallor"; "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"
5.late - of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages; "Late Greek"linguistics - the scientific study of languageearly - of an early stage in the development of a language or literature; "the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C."; "Early Modern English is represented in documents printed from 1476 to 1700"middle - of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages; "Middle English is the English language from about 1100 to 1500"; "Middle Gaelic"
6.late - at or toward an end or late period or stage of development; "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child"laterearly - being or occurring at an early stage of development; "in an early stage"; "early forms of life"; "early man"; "an early computer"
7.late - (used especially of persons) of the immediate past; "the former president"; "our late President is still very active"; "the previous occupant of the White House"previous, formerpast - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"
Adv.1.late - later than usual or than expectedlate - later than usual or than expected; "the train arrived late"; "we awoke late"; "the children came late to school"; "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline"; "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"belatedly, tardilyahead of time, too soon, early - before the usual time or the time expected; "she graduated early"; "the house was completed ahead of time"
2.late - to an advanced time; "deep into the night"; "talked late into the evening"deep
3.late - at an advanced age or stage; "she married late"; "undertook the project late in her career"
4.late - in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"lately, latterly, of late, recently


adjective1. overdue, delayed, last-minute, belated, tardy, behind time, unpunctual, behindhand, L8 (S.M.S.) Steve arrived late.
overdue timely, early, seasoned, prompt, beforehand, punctual
2. dead, deceased, departed, passed on, old, former, previous, preceding, defunct, L8 (S.M.S.) my late husband
dead existing, alive
3. recent, new, advanced, fresh, L8 (S.M.S.) some late news just in for the people of Merseyside
recent old
adverb1. behind time, belatedly, tardily, behindhand, dilatorily, unpunctually, L8 (S.M.S.) The talks began some fifteen minutes late.
behind time early, in advance, beforehand
2. late at night, in the night, L8 (S.M.S.) We went to bed late.3. after hours, overtime, till all hours, L8 (S.M.S.) I was working late at the office.of late recently, just now, in recent times, not long ago, latterly He has changed of late.Proverbs
"Better late than never"
"It is never too late"


adjective1. Not being on time:behindhand, belated, overdue, tardy.2. Having been such previously:erstwhile, former, old, once, onetime, past, previous, quondam, sometime, whilom.3. No longer alive:asleep, dead, deceased, defunct, departed, extinct, gone, lifeless.Idioms: at rest, pushing up daisies.adverb1. Not on time:behind, behindhand, belatedly, tardily.2. So as to fall behind schedule:behind, behindhand, slow.Idiom: behind time.3. Not long ago:lately, latterly, recently.Idiom: of late.


(leit) adjective1. coming etc after the expected or usual time. The train is late tonight; I try to be punctual but I am always late. 遲的 迟的2. far on in the day or night. late in the day; late at night; It was very late when I got to bed.3. dead, especially recently. the late king. 已故的 已故的4. recently, but no longer, holding an office or position. Mr Allan, the late chairman, made a speech. 前任的 前任的 adverb1. after the expected or usual time. He arrived late for his interview. 遲到 2. far on in the day or night. They always go to bed late. 很晚地 很晚ˈlateness nounˈlately adverb in the recent past or not long ago. Have you seen her lately? 最近 最近later on at a later time. He hasn't arrived yet but no doubt he'll be here later on. 晚一點 以后of late lately. He thought she had been less friendly of late. 最近 最近
later see latter.


后期地zhCN, 已故的zhCN, 迟zhCN, 迟的zhCN
  • Sorry we're late → 对不起,我们来晚了
  • Is the train running late? → 这趟车晚点了吗?
  • The train is running ten minutes late → 这趟车晚点十分钟
  • Please call us if you're going to be late (US)
    Please call us if you'll be late (UK) → 如果你回来很晚,就给我们打个电话
  • We're ten minutes late (US)
    We are ten minutes late (UK) → 我们晚了十分钟
  • It's too late → 太晚了



verbSee Later
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • Better late than never
  • day late and a dollar short
  • fashionably late
  • have a late night
  • have an early night
  • have an early/a late night
  • It is never too late
  • It is never too late to learn
  • It is never too late to mend
  • keep late hours
  • Late
  • late bloomer
  • late in life
  • late in the day
  • late model
  • late of (some place)
  • late of...
  • late unpleasantness
  • Later
  • of late
  • run late
  • stay up late
  • the late unpleasantness
  • too little too late
  • too little, too late


What does it mean when you dream about being late?

An experience of being late in a dream often reflects a sense of being too late in some area of our waking lives. Alternatively, perhaps the message of the dream is “better late than never.”



Cardiology A clinical trial–Late Assessment of Thrombolytic Efficacy that compared the effect of late–6 to 24 h after onset of Sx–tPA therapy in Pts with acute MI. See Acute myocardial infarction, tPA.

Patient discussion about LATE

Q. I have my dinner at late night. Is late eating tending to cause any problem? I am working in Petro chemical industry. Every day, my shift gets over at 10. I have my dinner at late night. Is late eating tending to cause any problem?A. Thank you Brandon for your answer. Another problem is that your digestion takes about 2 - 3 hours. During this time your body is working a lot. So if you go instantly sleeping, your body is working still to digest but he would need to go in standby. Avoid meat, salad and other food which need a lot of time to digest. Ask here what kind of food can be digested more comfortable. Perhaps fruits, cereals with water - not with milk (heavy too), nuts. Do you have during the night heartburn? Do you sleep alone? Can you organize yourself differently in timing? What would be if you would eat after your work right there before you go home? Would your girl-friend cook for you something in time when you come home? Do you use a microwave-oven to heat up to death the food? Do you have colic? Do you have hemorrhoids? So you see, it is not easy at all do give you a recipe. Latin people eat also very late in the night. But they wait before they go to bed some hours. Check it out! Thank you!

Q. I suffer of lack in energy lately, any advice? I’m 35, usually a strong guy but for the past 3 weeks I’ve been sleeping all day, doing nothing while awake, having no energy to do anything. Any one know a reason or what should I do?A. Have you tried changing your diet? You may lack of vitamins or other essential materials that can cause drowsiness. Try eating vegetables and fruits. Force yourself to do a daily walk, 25 minutes, that’s all. and could be you got an infection that will take some time…

Q. It passable to treat cancer in it's late stages of the decease? A. wow...this is probably the best Freudian slip I've seen in years(decease = disease)...
and for the question- depends on the kind of cancer you have. but there is a bad prognosis after finding metastasis all over. in general...but there's always hope!

More discussions about LATE


LATELocal Average Treatment Effect
LATELinking Aspect Technology and Evolution (Charlottesville, VA)
LATELocal Authority Trading Enterprise (New Zealand)
LATELabour Against the Euro (Labour Party; UK)
LATELatin American Theatre Ensemble
LATELiaos Antes de the End (Spanish X-Files group)


  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • phrase

Synonyms for late

adj overdue


  • overdue
  • delayed
  • last-minute
  • belated
  • tardy
  • behind time
  • unpunctual
  • behindhand
  • L8


  • timely
  • early
  • seasoned
  • prompt
  • beforehand
  • punctual

adj dead


  • dead
  • deceased
  • departed
  • passed on
  • old
  • former
  • previous
  • preceding
  • defunct
  • L8


  • existing
  • alive

adj recent


  • recent
  • new
  • advanced
  • fresh
  • L8


  • old

adv behind time


  • behind time
  • belatedly
  • tardily
  • behindhand
  • dilatorily
  • unpunctually
  • L8


  • early
  • in advance
  • beforehand

adv late at night


  • late at night
  • in the night
  • L8

adv after hours


  • after hours
  • overtime
  • till all hours
  • L8

phrase of late


  • recently
  • just now
  • in recent times
  • not long ago
  • latterly

Synonyms for late

adj not being on time


  • behindhand
  • belated
  • overdue
  • tardy

adj having been such previously


  • erstwhile
  • former
  • old
  • once
  • onetime
  • past
  • previous
  • quondam
  • sometime
  • whilom

adj no longer alive


  • asleep
  • dead
  • deceased
  • defunct
  • departed
  • extinct
  • gone
  • lifeless

adv not on time


  • behind
  • behindhand
  • belatedly
  • tardily

adv so as to fall behind schedule


  • behind
  • behindhand
  • slow

adv not long ago


  • lately
  • latterly
  • recently

Synonyms for late

adj being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time


  • early
  • middle

adj after the expected or usual time


  • belated
  • tardy

Related Words

  • unpunctual

adj of the immediate past or just previous to the present time


  • recent

Related Words

  • past

adj having died recently

Related Words

  • dead

adj of a later stage in the development of a language or literature

Related Words

  • linguistics


  • early
  • middle

adj at or toward an end or late period or stage of development


  • later


  • early

adj (used especially of persons) of the immediate past


  • previous
  • former

Related Words

  • past

adv later than usual or than expected


  • belatedly
  • tardily


  • ahead of time
  • too soon
  • early

adv to an advanced time


  • deep

adv in the recent past


  • lately
  • latterly
  • of late
  • recently




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