

单词 latency period

latency period

latency period

n.1. The fourth stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory, from about five years to puberty, during which a child apparently represses sexual urges and prefers to associate with members of the same sex. It is preceded by the phallic stage and followed by the genital stage.2. A latent period.

latency period

n (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal a period according to Freud, from the age of about five to puberty, when sexual interest is diminished

la′tency pe`riod

n. 1. the stage of personality development, from about five years of age to the beginning of puberty, during which sexual urges appear to lie dormant. 2. latent period (def. 1).
Noun1.latency period - (psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age 5 or 6 until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activitieslatency phase, latency stagedepth psychology, psychoanalysis, analysis - a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud; "his physician recommended psychoanalysis"childhood - the time of person's life when they are a childphase, stage - any distinct time period in a sequence of events; "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"

Latency Period

Latency Period


(1) In physiology, the time from the moment of stimulation of an organism, organ, tissue, or cell until the manifestation of a responsive reaction.

The duration of the latency period depends on the level of phylogenetic development, individual development, and functional state of the body and on the complexity of the reaction and the speed of the processes in its peripheral and central links. Thus, the latency period of a given reflex consists of the time it takes to transform the energy of the external stimulus in the receptor, the time necessary to conduct the excitation along the nerve fibers, the duration of the synaptic lags, and the time required to trigger the effectors.

The latency period of psychological reactions characterizes the level of wakefulness and the states of attentiveness and tension. Determination of the magnitude of the latency period is of great importance in physiology, medicine (for studying the functions of the healthy and the diseased body), and experimental psychology.

(2) The latency period of pregnancy is a temporary lag in the development of the fertilized ovum in certain mammals; during the late blastula stage, the embryo lives in the womb for several months without attaching to the uterine mucosa. Fertilization of the sable, marten, ermine, badger, and roe deer occurs during the summer-fall period, but accelerated development of the ovum does not begin until the end of winter; hence, gestation in those animals goes on for nine months or more.

(3) In medicine, incubation period; the initial, latent period of a disease, without external manifestation.

latency period


 [pēr´e-od] an interval or division of time; the time for the regular recurrence of a phenomenon.absolute refractory period the part of the period" >refractory period from phase 0 to approximately −60 mV during phase 3; during this time it is impossible for the myocardium to respond with a propagated action potential, even with a strong stimulus. Called also effective refractory period.blanking period a period of time during and after a pacemaker stimulus when the unstimulated chamber is insensitive to avoid sensing the electronic event in the stimulated chamber.effective refractory period absolute refractory period.ejection period the second phase of systole" >ventricular systole (0.21 to 0.30 sec), between the opening and closing of the semilunar valves, while the blood is discharged into the aorta and pulmonary artery. Called also sphygmic period.gestation period see gestation period.incubation period see incubation period.isoelectric period the moment in muscular contraction when no deflection of the galvanometer is produced.latency period 1. latent period.2. stage" >latency stage.latent period a seemingly inactive period, as that between exposure to an infection and the onset of illness (incubation period) or that between the instant of stimulation and the beginning of response (latency, def. 2).refractory period the period of depolarization and repolarization of the cell membrane after excitation; during the first portion (period" >absolute refractory period), the nerve or muscle fiber cannot respond to a second stimulus, whereas during the period" >relative refractory period it can respond only to a strong stimulus.relative refractory period the part of the period" >refractory period from approximately −60 mV during phase 3 to the end of phase 3; during this time a depressed response to a strong stimulus is possible.safe period the period during the menstrual cycle when conception is considered least likely to occur; it comprises approximately the ten days after menstruation begins and the ten days preceding menstruation. See the section on fertility awareness methods, under contraception.sphygmic period ejection period.supernormal period in electrocardiography, a period at the end of phase 3 of the action potential during which activation can be initiated with a milder stimulus than is required at maximal repolarization, because at this time the cell is excitable and closer to threshold than at maximal potential" >diastolic potential.vulnerable period that time at the peak of the T wave during which serious arrhythmias are likely to result if a stimulus occurs.Wenckebach's period a usually repetitive sequence seen in partial heart block, marked by progressive lengthening of the interval" >P–R interval; see also beat" >dropped beat.

la·ten·cy phase

in psychoanalytic personality theory, the period of psychosexual development in children, extending from about age 5 to the beginning of adolescence at age 12, during which the apparent cessation of sexual preoccupation stems from a strong, aggressive blockade of libidinal and sexual impulses in an effort to avoid oedipal relationships; during this phase, boys and girls are inclined to choose friends and join groups of their own sex. Synonym(s): latency period

latency period

n.1. The fourth stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory, from about five years to puberty, during which a child apparently represses sexual urges and prefers to associate with members of the same sex. It is preceded by the phallic stage and followed by the genital stage.2. A latent period.

latency period

Epidemiology A period of subclinical or inapparent pathologic changes following exposure to a noxious agent, ending with the onset of Sx of disease. Cf Incubation period Psychology See Psychosexual development Virology 1. A period in which a virus–eg, EBV, HSV, HIV present in the body is undetectable or asymptomatic; viral LPs are attributed to a lack in host factors critical for expressing early viral gene products; during latency the virus absconds itself in certain cells–eg, EBV in epithelial cells and B lymphocytes; activation of specific cellular–host transcription factors in response to extracellular stimuli may induce the expression of viral regulatory proteins. leading to a burst of lytic viral replication.2. The period that follows the 1º infection–chickenpox in Pts infected with varicella-zoster virus. See Herpes zoster.

la·ten·cy phase

, latency period (lā'tĕn-sē fāz, pēr'ē-ŏd) 1. psychiatry According to psychoanalytic personality theory, the period of psychosexual development in children, extending from about age 5 to the beginning of adolescence around age 12, during which the apparent cessation of sexual preoccupation stems from a strong, aggressive blockade of libidinal and sexual impulses in an effort to avoid oedipal relationships; during this phase, boys and girls are inclined to choose friends and join groups of their own sex. 2. biowarfare Interval during which an organism lies dormant.

latency period

  • noun

Synonyms for latency period

noun (psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age 5 or 6 until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activities


  • latency phase
  • latency stage

Related Words

  • depth psychology
  • psychoanalysis
  • analysis
  • childhood
  • phase
  • stage




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