

M0162300 (măk′sə-mə-lĭst)n. One who advocates extremist views or radical action to secure a social or political goal.
[Russian maksimalist, name applied in 1906 to an extreme splinter group of the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party, ultimately from Latin maximum, maximum; see maximum.]
max′i·mal·ist adj.


(ˈmæksɪməlɪst) (in early 20th-century Russia) n1. (Historical Terms) a member of the radical faction of Social Revolutionaries that supported terrorism against the tsarist regime and advocated a short period of postrevolutionary working-class dictatorship2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a member of the radical faction of Social Revolutionaries that supported terrorism against the tsarist regime and advocated a short period of postrevolutionary working-class dictatorship3. (Historical Terms) a less common name for a Bolshevik4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a less common name for a Bolshevik[C20: from French, a translation of Russian; see Bolshevik]


(ˈmæksɪməlɪst) na person who favours direct action to achieve all his goals and rejects compromise


(ˈmæk sə mə lɪst)

n. a person who favors a radical and immediate approach to the achievement of a set of goals.