Livestock Breeding of the Forest-Steppe and Polese, Institute of

Livestock Breeding of the Forest-Steppe and Poles’e, Institute of


(full name, Scientific Research Institute of Livestock Breeding of the Forest-Steppe and Poles’e of the Ukrainian SSR), an institute situated on the Ukrainka Experimental Farm near Kharkov. Founded in 1956 on the basis of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock Breeding which was organized in 1935 from the Ukrainian Scientific Research Cattle Institute (1932) and the Southern Scientific Research Institute of Dairy Farming (1930). In 1971 it had the following departments: cattle breeding; swine breeding; sheep breeding; horse breeding; rabbit breeding; feeding of animals; beef production; technology of animal maintenance and hygiene; mechanization and electrification in livestock breeding; agricultural economics and organization; feed production; physiology, biochemistry and radiobiology; and scientific and technical information. It also had seven laboratories. The institute manages the Kiev Experimental Station for Livestock Breeding and the Lenin, Ukrainka, Kutuzovka, Terezino, and Polivanovka experimental farms. The institute develops the basis of new technologies for meat, milk, and wool production and for improving the quality of these products. It elaborates the theory of breeding of pedigreed stock and creates new and improves existing breeds of farm animals. Other matters of concern include full-value rational feeding, cattle fattening and maintenance, feed production, comprehensive mechanization, and the distribution and specialization of agriculture. In cooperation with kolkhoz and sovkhoz specialists, the institute developed the Lebedin breed of cattle and Mirgorod breed of swine. The institute has resident and correspondence-course graduate students. It publishes Nauchnye trudy(since 1927). In 1967 it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.