Mixotrophic Organisms
Mixotrophic Organisms
organisms deriving nourishment from both autotrophic (inorganic substances resulting from chemosynthesis and photosynthesis) and heterotrophic (organic substances) mechanisms. Chlorophyll-bearing flagellates, which are autotrophs, become mixotrophic in heavily polluted water, where they feed on organic matter in order to stimulate growth and reproduction; some of these flagellates can develop even in total darkness, that is, without photosynthesis. Among the higher green plants, or photoautotrophic plants, are some that also feed on organic matter. These plants include such hemiparasites as rattle, eyebright, and other plants of the family Scrophulariaceae (figwort). Many insectivorous and mycotrophic plants (Orchidaceae), whose cells digest fungus hyphae, can also be considered mixotrophic.