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DictionarySeemeniscusEncyclopediaSeeMeniscuslateral meniscus
lat·er·al me·nis·cus [TA] crescentic intraarticular cartilage of the knee joint attached to the lateral border of the upper articular surface of the tibia, occupying the space surrounding the contacting surfaces of the femur and tibia. Synonym(s): meniscus lateralis [TA], external semilunar fibrocartilagelat·er·al me·nis·cus (lat'ĕr-ăl mĕ-nis'kŭs) [TA] Crescentic intraarticular cartilage of the knee joint attached to the lateral border of the upper articular surface of the tibia, occupying the space surrounding the contacting surfaces of the femur and tibia. lateral meniscusA circular, somewhat moveable plate of fibrocartilage lying horizontally in the articular surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia inside the knee joint. The meniscus cushions and deepens the articular face of the tibia. See: knee for illus.See also: meniscusAcronymsSeeLM |