Nikolai Petrovich Roshchin-Insarov

Roshchin-Insarov, Nikolai Petrovich


(real surname Pashennyi). Born in 1861; died Jan. 8 (20), 1899, in Kiev. Russian actor.

Roshchin-Insarov took part in amateur productions and made his debut on the professional stage in 1883 in Astrakhan, in P. M. Medvedev’s theater. He worked in various theaters, including the Korsh Theater in Moscow from 1884 to 1889 and the Solovtsov Theater in Kiev from 1895 to 1899. His roles included Chatskii in Griboedov’s Woe from Wit, Vasil’kov in Os-trovskii’s Easy Money, Nikita in L. N. Tolstoy’s The Power of Darkness, and the title role in Chekhov’s Ivanov. Roshchin-Insarov was one of the most popular actors of the late 19th century. He was the father of the actresses V. N. Pashennaia and E. N. Roshchina-Insarova.


Doroshevich, V. M. “Roshchin-Insarov.” In his book Rasskazy i ocherki. Moscow, 1966.