Nikolai Petrovich Semenov
Semenov, Nikolai Petrovich
Born 1823; died 1904, in St. Petersburg. Russian statesman and senator (1868).
Semenov graduated from the Aleksandrovskii Lycée in 1842. He served in the Ministry of Justice. In 1859 and 1860 he was a member of the Editing Commissions; his detailed notes on their work formed the basis of a three-volume study. Semenov is famous as a translator of works by A. Mickiewicz. He was also a botanist.
Osvobozhdenie krest’ian v tsarstvovanie imperatora Aleksandra II, vols. 1–3. St. Petersburg, 1889–93.Russkaia nomenklatura naibolee izvestnykh v nashei flore i kul’ture i nekotorykh obshcheupotrebitel’nykh rastenii. St. Petersburg, 1878.