Nikolai Rukhliadev

Rukhliadev, Nikolai Petrovich


Born Apr. 3 (15), 1869, in the village of Kil’mez’, in what is now Kirov Oblast; died Oct. 11, 1942, in Kazan. Soviet veterinary therapeutist. Doctor of veterinary sciences (1934). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1940).

In 1895, Rukhliadev graduated from the Kazan Veterinary Institute, where he began working in 1900, becoming head of the subdepartment of noninfectious diseases in 1922. He remained with the institute until his death.

Rukhliadev was the founder of Soviet veterinary hematology. Together with his students, he developed a unified method of hematologic testing and established blood norms for various species of domestic animals and fowl. In 1939, Rukhliadev published the first Russian collection on the blood cells of domestic animals.


Sharabrin, I. G., and P. Ia. Konopel’ko. “Nikolai Petrovich Rukhliadev (K 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Veterinariia, 1969, no. 7, pp. 110–11.