Nikolai Rylenkov
Rylenkov, Nikolai Ivanovich
Born Feb. 2 (15), 1909, in the village of Alekseevka, in what is now Roslavl’ Raion, Smolensk Oblast; died June 23, 1969, in Smolensk. Soviet Russian poet. Member of the CPSU from 1945.
Son of peasants, Rylenkov graduated from the department of literature and language of the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute in 1933. He fought in the Great Patriotic War (1941–45). Rylen-kov’s works were first published in 1926. His first book of poetry was My Heroes (1933). Other collections include Birch Copse (1940), Blue Wine (1943), Book of Fields (1950), Roots and Leaves (1960), and Red Ashberry Light (1962). Rylenkov also wrote several narrative poems.
Rylenkov’s lyric poetry, which recalls classical and folkloric traditions, reflects the richness of the Russian landscape and the humanistic approach to life of the new man—the patriot and worker. Rylenkov wrote songs, a paraphrase in verse of The Tale of Igor’s Campaign (1966), short stories, sketches, autobiographical and historical novellas, and the collection of articles Traditions and Innovation (1962). He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and various medals.
Izbr. proizv., vols. 1–2. [Introduction by E. Osetrov.] Moscow, 1974.Na ozere Sapsho: Rasskazy i byli. Moscow, 1966.
“Stranitsy zhizni.” In Sovetskie pisateli: Avtobiografii, vol. 3. Moscow, 1966.
Doroga ukhodit za okolitsu: Povest’, rasskazy, ocherki. Moscow, 1968.
Dushapoezii: Portrety i razdum’ia. Moscow, 1969.
Zhuravlinye truby: Stikhi. Moscow, 1972.
Markin, G. S. Lirika N. Rylenkova. Smolensk, 1971.N. Rylenkov—lirik, prozaik, perevodchik: Sb. statei. Smolensk, 1972.
Dobraia dusha. Kniga o M. Rylenkove: Vospominaniia, stikhi, stat’i, retsenzii. Moscow, 1973.
Osetrov, E. I. Muza v berezovom pereleske: Stikhi i dni N. Rylenkova. Moscow, 1974.
Dobrokhotova, L. S., V. A. Kriukova, and Iu. V. Pashkov. Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov: Rekomendatel’nyi ukazatel’ literatury. Smolensk, 1969.