NDMNew Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (gene)
NDMNaturalistic Decision Making (conference)
NDMNormal Disconnected Mode
NDMnot Dismount
NDMNalu Data Manager
NDMNetview Distribution Manager
NDMNetwork Data Model
NDMNetwork Detection Monitoring
NDMNetwork Drive Manager
NDMNational Democratic Movement
NDMNonfat Dry Milk
NDMNetwork Design & Management
NDMNetwork Data Mover
NDMNetwork Design Model (informational model)
NDMNatural Disaster Management
NDMNewspaper Designated Market
NDMNational Defence Medal (proposed United Kingdom Service Medal)
NDMNear Dry Machining (applying a very small amount of lubricant in lieu of flood coolant)
NDMNo Disrespect Meant
NDMNuance Dialog Modules (Nuance Communications, Inc.; Eatontown, NJ)
NDMNon-Daily Metered (gas industry; various locations)
NDMNetwork Data Manager
NDMNippon del Monte (Japan)
NDMNanaimo District Museum (Canada)
NDMNorth Down Militia (Northern Ireland)
NDMNon Deductible Meal
NDMNuclear Density Meter
NDMNon-Deployed Missile
NDMNCCS Data Management
NDMIndoorsmen (gaming clan)
NDMNational Directory of Magazines
NDMNational Duty Manager (IBM)