Mount Sugarloaf State Reservation
Mount Sugarloaf State Reservation
Location:In the western part of central Massachusetts, on Route 116 in SouthDeerfield. Take Mass Pike (I-90) to Exit 4, I-91 north to Exit 24, thenRoute 116 east. Park is 1 mile on left.
Facilities:Picnic area, restrooms (é), trails, scenic vista (é).
Special Features:Mount Sugarloaf consists of two peaks, North and South Sugarloaf, withan auto road that goes to the summit of South Sugarloaf. The mountainis composed of a prominent sandstone rock called Sugarloaf Arkose, andthe view from its summit takes in the Connecticut River, the PioneerValley, and the Pelham and Berkshire Hills.
Address:Rt 116
South Deerfield, MA 01373
Size: 532 acres.
See other parks in Massachusetts.