Acronym | Definition |
ABCC➣Australian Building and Construction Commissioner |
ABCC➣Advanced Biomedical Computing Center |
ABCC➣Anchor Beach Community Charter (San Diego, CA) |
ABCC➣Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission |
ABCC➣Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (Massachusetts, USA) |
ABCC➣Allan Blair Cancer Centre (Canada) |
ABCC➣American Board of Clinical Chemistry |
ABCC➣Association of British Chambers of Commerce |
ABCC➣American Business Card Club |
ABCC➣Asian Business Case Centre |
ABCC➣Australian Business Coaching Club |
ABCC➣Apple Blossom Computer Club |
ABCC➣American Board of Chiropractic Consultants |
ABCC➣Acid Buffering Characteristic Curve (minerology) |
ABCC➣Amicale Belge des Clubs Citroën (French; Belgian car association) |
ABCC➣Airborne Command Center |
ABCC➣ASBPO (Armed Services Blood Program Office) Blood Coordination Committee |
ABCC➣Airborne Communications Center |
ABCC➣Arch Bridge Contracting Corporation |
ABCC➣City Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
ABCC➣Average Backup Capacity Consumption |
ABCC➣Antique Bottle Collectors of Colorado (Englewood, CO) |