Nikolai Vasilevich Vasilev
Vasil’ev, Nikolai Vasil’evich
(pseudonym, Shubossinni). Born Nov. 26, 1889; died 1942. Chuvash Soviet writer. Born in the village of Ikkovo, in present-day Cheboksary Raion, Chuvash ASSR. Member of the CPSU beginning in 1919.
From 1905 to 1907, Vasil’ev studied in the Simbirsk Chuvash Teachers’ School and became a teacher. He served in World War I. In 1908 his ballads on folk poetic subjects appeared (“The Intelligent Liar,” “The Beautiful Cheges’,” “The Tempter Snake”). He is the author of a series of revolutionary-romantic verses dedicated to the October Revolution, October (1927) and The Sea (1927). He also wrote the stories “The Deserter” (1929), “Tashkent, Tashkent!” (1934), “New Yeast” (1935), and “The Embroidered Tobacco Pouch” (1936) and the epic and historical-revolutionary narrative poems Favorite (1930) and The Bright Hillock (1936). He translated the works of A. S. Pushkin and wrote the Short Outline of the History of Chuvash Literature (1930).
Chävash khalapěsem. Simbirsk, 1908.S’urkhi kěvěsem. Cheboksary, 1928.
Suylasa ilnisem. Cheboksary, 1958.
Sirotkin, M. Ocherki dorevoliutsionnoi chuvashskoi literatury, 2nd ed. Cheboksary, 1967.M. IA. SIROTKIN