Nikolai Vassoevich
Vassoevich, Nikolai Bronislavovich
Born Mar. 17 (30), 1902, in Rostov-on-Don. Soviet geologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970).
In 1924, Vassoevich graduated from the Leningrad Mining Institute. From 1924 to 1940 he studied the geological structure and the petroleum-gas content of the Northern Caucasus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and the north of Siberia. From 1940 to 1963 he worked at the All-Union Petroleum Research Geological Prospecting Institute, where he studied basic problems of lithology and petroleum geography. He is head of the subdepartment of geology and geochemistry of inflammable minerals at the geological faculty of Moscow State University (1963). His principal works are on methods of studying flysch deposits and on the theory of the sediment-migration (organic) origin of oil. He has been awarded the order of the Badge of Honor and medals.
Flish i metodika ego izucheniia. Leningrad-Moscow, 1948.Usloviia obrazovaniia flisha. Leningrad-Moscow, 1951.