Bayesian analysis

Bayesian analysis

A decision analysis which permits the calculation of the probability that one treatment is superior to another based on the observed data and prior beliefs. In Bayesian analysis, subjectivity is not a liability, but rather explicitly allows different opinions to be formally expressed and evaluated.

Bayesian analysis

A decision-making analysis that '…permits the calculation of the probability that one treatment is superior based on the observed data and prior beliefs…subjectivity of beliefs is not a liability, but rather explicitly allows different opinions to be formally expressed and evaluated.' See Algorithm, Critical pathway, Decision analysis.

Bayes the·o·rem

(bāyz thē'ŏr-ĕm) A method of calculating statistical probability that combines a prior estimate of probability with statistics derived from subsequent events or experiments. Although it lacks mathematical rigor, it is often used to infer degree of risk in various medical settings.
Synonym(s): bayesian analysis.