Acronym | Definition |
MH➣Marshall Islands (US postal abbreviation) |
MH➣Monster Hunter (role-playing game series) |
MH➣Medizinische Hochschule (Hannover) |
MH➣Monster High |
MH➣Malaysia Airlines |
MH➣Mental Health |
MH➣Manufactured Housing |
MH➣Montserrat |
MH➣Mobile Home |
MH➣Master Hunter (American Kennel Club hunting test title for retrievers) |
MH➣Metal Halide (lamp) |
MH➣Medical History |
MH➣Meeting House (Quaker religion) |
MH➣Medium Heavy |
MH➣Marble Hornets (web series) |
MH➣Machine Head (band) |
MH➣Malignant Hyperthermia |
MH➣Miami Herald |
MH➣Military History |
MH➣Medal of Honor |
MH➣Monuments Historiques |
MH➣Manhole |
MH➣Message Handler |
MH➣Medicine Hat (Canada) |
MH➣Manitoba Hydro (electrical utility) |
MH➣Mitch Hedberg (comedian) |
MH➣Maharashtra, India |
MH➣Mental Hospital |
MH➣Miami Heat (NBA team) |
MH➣Megahertz |
MH➣Medium Helicopter |
MH➣Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland character) |
MH➣Master Herbalist |
MH➣Military Hospital |
MH➣Man-Hours |
MH➣Metal Hammer (music magazine) |
MH➣Mount Hyjal (World of Warcraft) |
MH➣Material Handler |
MH➣Mobile Host |
MH➣Mostly Harmless (Douglas Adams book) |
MH➣Mostly Harmless |
MH➣Mount Hood (Washington) |
MH➣Mail Handler |
MH➣Modified Huffman (coding scheme) |
MH➣Monster House (Discovery Channel) |
MH➣Macular Hole (ophthamology) |
MH➣Millihenry |
MH➣Multi-Homed |
MH➣Mass Hysteria (band) |
MH➣Minehunter |
MH➣Million Hectares |
MH➣Matt Hardy (WWE wrestler) |
MH➣Master Hand (Super Smash Brothers game character) |
MH➣Malignant Hyperpyrexia |
MH➣Magnetic Heading |
MH➣Morrison Hotel (Doors album) |
MH➣Malaysian Hotels |
MH➣Multiple Handicaps |
MH➣Map Hack (Diablo 2 game) |
MH➣Mononoke Hime (Japanese Anime movie) |
MH➣Most Honorable |
MH➣Mega Health (gaming) |
MH➣Mordheim (game) |
MH➣Maintenance Hole (utility vault) |
MH➣Matrícula de Honor (Spanish education grade/mark) |
MH➣Mountyhall (role-playing game) |
MH➣Multirole Helicopter |
MH➣Movable Head |
MH➣Maintenance Handbook |
MH➣Maximum Hop |
MH➣Mog House (gaming, Final Fantasy XI) |
MH➣Militair Hospitaal (Dutch) |
MH➣Multiply Halfword (IBM) |
MH➣Mystic Heroes (video game) |
MH➣Minimum-Hole (array) |
MH➣Magnet Hand (gaming; Mega Man) |
MH➣Munitions Handler |
MH➣Machray Hall (University of Manitoba) |
MH➣Mortis Hora (Latin: Hour of Death, epigraphy) |
MH➣Minor Hurricane |
MH➣Monumentum Hoc (Latin: This Monument, epigraphy) |
MH➣Great Britain Machine Definitives (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
MH➣Miscellaneous Hydrocarbon |
MH➣Inorganic, Micaeceous or Diatomaceous Elastic Silts (soil type) |
MH➣Mahoberberis (barberry) |
MH➣Mulier Honesta (Latin: Virtuous Lady, epigraphy) |
MH➣Merchant Haul |
MH➣Midland Hockey (website) |
MH➣McGill Hospital |
MH➣Mechanical Hydrotest |