Acronym | Definition |
LLM➣Master of Laws |
LLM➣Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (Malay: Malaysia Highway Authority) |
LLM➣Lower Laguna Madre (Texas) |
LLM➣Local Linear Model |
LLM➣Low-Level Modeling |
LLM➣Legum Magister |
LLM➣Lymphoma-Leukemia-Myeloma |
LLM➣Low Level Magnesium |
LLM➣Lycée Louis Massignon (French school in Abu Dhabi, UAE) |
LLM➣Latin Legum Magister (Master of Laws) |
LLM➣Lin Lunin Maldacena (class of half supersymmetric solutions in string theory) |
LLM➣Lower Landing Minimums |
LLM➣Local Level Model |
LLM➣Launch Loader Module |
LLM➣Lunar Landing Mission (US NASA) |
LLM➣Loader Launcher Module |
LLM➣Light Load Mode |
LLM➣Logical Link Multiplexing |
LLM➣Layered Lossy Medium |
LLM➣Local Logic Memory |
LLM➣Low Loss Matching |
LLM➣Left Lane Must Turn Left |