

单词 nrp



(Network Resource Planning) The planning, scheduling and control of a computer network. It includes documentation writing and network diagramming, analyses of traffic and congestion, analyses of application behavior and demand, procedures for failsafe and disaster recovery operation, forecasting requirements and redesign. See baselining and ERP.



Abbreviation for National Response Plan.


NRPNASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Research Park
NRPNeonatal Resuscitation Program
NRPNational Response Plan
NRPNational Reading Panel (US Department of Education)
NRPNational Registry Paramedic (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians)
NRPNational Research Program
NRPNatural Resources Police (Maryland)
NRPNational Religious Party (Israeli Political Party)
NRPNationally Registered Paramedic (various organizations)
NRPNeighbourhood Renewal Programme (various locations)
NRPNevis Reformation Party (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
NRPNon-Removable Pin (construction plans; hinge type)
NRPNon-Resident Parent
NRPNorwich Research Park (UK)
NRPNational Reconciliation Party (Gambia)
NRPNational Reform Party
NRPNissan Revival Plan (Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.)
NRPNeighborhood Revitalization Plan (various locations)
NRPNational Republican Party (Sierra Leone)
NRPNon-Unit-Related Personnel (US DoD)
NRPNew Renaissance Party (political party; Japan)
NRPNational Radio Project (Oakland, CA)
NRPNode Route Processor
NRPNational Route Program (US FAA)
NRPNational Reconnaissance Program (US)
NRPNew Rights Party (Georgia)
NRPNetwork Resource Planning
NRPNew Republic Party (South Africa)
NRPNavio da República Portuguesa
NRPNational Recycling Partnership (Washington, DC)
NRPNegotiation and Resource Reservation Protocol
NRPNylon Reinforced Plastic
NRPNon Resident Pakistani
NRPNeeds-Related Payment
NRPNormal Rated Power
NRPNetwork Routing Processor (Cisco)
NRPNormalized Received Power
NRPNuclear Reactor Plant
NRPNavigation Reference Point
NRPNet Rating Point
NRPNAVAIR Reserve Program
NRPNationality Rooms Program
NRPNational Roaming Partner (UMTS)
NRPNon-Regional Pronunciation
NRPNet Retail Price
NRPNational Release Point (used in CTL ACTD program)
NRPNested Reservation Protocol
NRPNonregistered Publication
NRPNetwork Radio Protocol
NRPNon-Ranger Personnel
NRPNeutral Range Pressure




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