

单词 nrt



abbreviation for (Medicine) nicotine replacement therapy: a type of treatment designed to help people give up smoking in which gradually decreasing doses of nicotine are administered through patches on the skin etc to avoid the effects of sudden withdrawal from the drug


NRTNicotine Replacement Therapy
NRTNorm-Referenced Test
NRTNatural Resource Tax
NRTNational Recreation Trail (National Trails System; US Interior Department)
NRTNormal Renal Tissue
NRTNational Response Team
NRTnear real time
NRTNoise Reduction Technology
NRTNon Real Time
NRTNorthern Rangelands Trust (Kenya)
NRTNursing Resource Team (various organizations)
NRTTokyo, Japan - Narita (Airport Code)
NRTNear-Regular Texture (algorithm)
NRTNeighbor Relation Table
NRTNationally Recognised Training (Australia)
NRTNet Registered Tonnage
NRTNon-Resident Tax
NRTNokia Ringtone File (computing)
NRTNational Rail Timetable (UK)
NRTNon-Regression Testing (software and engine control units)
NRTNot Real Time
NRTNational Reporting Toolkit (environmental software; United Arab Emirates)
NRTNaval Reserve Training
NRTNon-Requesting Terminal
NRTNutrient Removal Technology
NRTNormed Referenced Test
NRTNormal Rated Thrust
NRTNorwottuck Rail Trail (Massachusetts)
NRTNodal Reentrant Tachycardia
NRTNational Rotorcraft Transport
NRTNetwork Readiness Test (data)
NRTNon-Recognizable Target
NRTNavy Review Team
NRTVessels Assigned Naval Districts for Training Naval Reserves (US Navy)
NRTNewreka Reduction Technology (Newreka Green Synth Technologies Pvt. Ltd.; India)




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