Mahmud Kasgari
Mahmud Kaşgari
Dates of birth and death unknown. Central Asian scholar and philologist of the llth century.
Mahmud Kaşgari probably received his education in the madrasas of Kashgar and Baghdad. In 1072-74 he compiled the Dictionary of Turkic Dialects, written in Arabic. Mahmud Kaşgari’s work, written with the use of scholarly methods of Arabic philology, is of exceptional value for linguists, folklorists, and literature specialists. It is the only text on Turkic dialectology of the early period. The dictionary also contains oral and poetic texts of the Turkic tribes and peoples of Central Asia, eastern Turkestan, and the Volga and Ural regions. The dictionary has been translated into Turkish and Uzbek.
Divanii lûgat it-türk tercümesi, vols. 1-3. Ankara, 1939-41.Divanü lûgat it-türk tipkibasimi. Ankara, 1941.
Turkiysozlär devani, vols. 1-3. Tashkent, 1960-63.
Malov, S. E. Pamiatniki drevnetiurkskoi pis’mennosti. Moscow-Leningrad, 1951.Akhallï’, S. Makhmud Kashgarïnïing sözlügi ve türkmen dili. Ashkhabad, 1958.
Brockelmann, C. “Altturkestanische Volkspoesie,” Asia Major, vols. 1-2, 1923-24.
Brockelmann, C. Mitteltürkischer Wortschatz nach Mahmud al-Kašgaris “Divan lugat atturk.” Budapest-Leipzig, 1928.