mouse unit

Al·len-Doi·sy u·nit

(al'ĕn-dwah'sē), the quantity of estrogen capable of producing in a spayed mouse a characteristic change in the vaginal epithelium, namely, disappearance of leukocytes and appearance of cornified cells, as determined by a vaginal smear; equal approximately to one half of an estrone unit. Synonym(s): mouse unit

mouse unit

An obsolete, semi-quantitative bioassay unit corresponding to the amount of oestrogen required to produce characteristic microscopic changes in the vaginal epithelium of ovarectomise mice.


Edgar, U.S. endocrinologist, 1892-1943. Allen-Doisy test - a test for estrogenic activity.Allen-Doisy unit - the quantity of estrogen capable of producing in a spayed mouse a characteristic change in the vaginal epithelium. Synonym(s): mouse unit