LLSLogements Locatifs Sociaux (French: Social Rented Housing)
LLSLeukemia & Lymphoma Society
LLSLoyola Law School (Los Angeles, CA)
LLSLate Late Show (TV)
LLSLocke Liddell & Sapp (law firm)
LLSLinear-Least Squares
LLSLiquid Line Solenoid (valve)
LLSLink Local Signaling
LLSLink List Section
LLSLow Level Control System
LLSLaunch and Landing Site (US NASA)
LLSLinen & Laundry Services (cleaning)
LLSLyman Limit System
LLSLanguage Line Services (translation company)
LLSLanguage Learning Strategies
LLSLight Louisiana Sweet (crude oil grade)
LLSLeigh-Like Syndrome
LLSLicensed Land Surveyor
LLSLiquid Level Sensor
LLSLender Lead Solutions (mortgages)
LLSLanguage Learning Solutions
LLSLED (Light Emitting Diode) Lighting Solutions (various locations)
LLSLogistics Labour Survey (Netherlands)
LLSLeast Loaded Server
LLSLaser Line Scanner
LLSThermo Electron Life and Laboratory Sciences (India)
LLSLocal Line Switch
LLSLow-Level Solid
LLSLocalized Light Scattering
LLSLower Level Switch
LLSLunar Logistic System
LLSLaser Light Source
LLSLearning and Life Skills (education)
LLSLand Leveling System
LLSLogical-Level Sharing
LLSLunar Landing Simulator
LLSLaboratori de Llum de Sincrotró (Synchrotron Light Laboratory; Barcelona, Spain)
LLSLateral Line System (sensory organ in fish)
LLSLow Level Support
LLSLower Limit Switch
LLSLocation Look-Up Support
LLSLibertarian Leadership School (Libertarian National Committee)
LLSLaser Leveling System
LLSLarge Laboratory System (LabCorp)