

单词 lma
释义 DictionarySeeairway



 left mentoanterior (position of the fetus).


Abbreviation for left mentoanterior position.


Abbreviation for laryngeal mask airway.


LMALegal Marketing Association
LMALongissimus Muscle Area
LMALaryngeal Mask Airway
LMALive Music Archive
LMALeague Managers Association (UK)
LMALibrary Media Association
LMALamborghini Motore Anteriore
LMALightspeed Memory Architecture
LMALower Memory Area
LMALinux Migration Agent
LMALightweight Mobile Agent
LMALarge Mode Area
LMALocal Marketing Agreement
LMALondon Metropolitan Archives (London, England, UK)
LMALightspeed Memory Architecture (computing)
LMALaboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique
LMALloyd's Market Association (London, England, UK)
LMALand Management Agency (various locations)
LMALexikon des Mittelalters (German: Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages)
LMALoan Market Association
LMALisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal)
LMALivestock Marketing Association
LMALabour Market Agreement (Canada)
LMALabour Market Analysis (various organizations)
LMALockheed Martin Astronautics
LMALietuvos Muzikos Akademija (Lithuanian: Lithuanian Academy of Music)
LMALeave Me Alone
LMALou Martin & Associates, Inc. (San Antonio, TX)
LMALoan Management Account (credit line)
LMALeading, Managing, and Holding People Accountable (business model)
LMALevenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
LMALocal Management Agreement
LMALead Maintenance Activity
LMALearning Mobile Author (software)
LMALegal Marriage Alliance
LMALandscape Maintenance Association
LMALeft Main Artery
LMALand Mine Awareness
LMALaryngeal Mask Anesthesia
LMALumber Manufacturers Association
LMALabor Management Agreement
LMALights Motors Action (Disney World Show)
LMALaw of Mass Action
LMALease Management Agreement
LMALinux Media Arts (Reno, NV)
LMALockheed Martin Aerospace
LMALebanese Management Association (Beirut, Lebanon; est. 1959)
LMALaminating Materials Association, Inc.
LMALow Memory Area (aka conventional memory)
LMALeaky-Mode Antenna
LMALegal Marketing Agency (Australia)
LMALower Mt Auburn (Cincinnati, Ohio neighborhood)
LMALogistics & Manufacturing Association, Port Laredo
LMALupus Mid-Atlantic (healthcare; various locations)
LMALao Medical Association
LMALow Molecular Weight Activity




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