Air Defense Troops of Ground Forces

Air Defense Troops of Ground Forces


a combat arm of ground forces designated to cover troops and important rear objectives against enemy air attacks. This combat arm consists of antiaircraft missile, antiaircraft artillery, and radar units and subunits. Independently or in coordination with fighter aviation, they are capable of destroying aircraft and pilotless weapons in the air, of waging battle against enemy airborne forces on their flight routes and during the drop, of carrying on radar reconnaissance, and of warning friendly troops of an air enemy.

The antiaircraft missile units and subunits are armed with antiaircraft missile complexes and can destroy piloted and pilotless air attack weapons with high effectiveness at low, medium, and high elevations and in the stratosphere, regardless of the weather, time of the day or night, and season of the year. The antiaircraft artillery units and subunits can destroy air enemies at low, medium, and high elevations. They are armed with highly mobile, fast-firing automatic complexes. They have radar reconnaissance equipment, various types of computing devices, and control equipment.

The antiaircraft missile and artillery units and subunits cover troops against the air enemy while troops are waging combat operations; they carry out marches over great distances together with them, occupy positions on the run, and cover troop deployment. These complexes are also capable of waging effective fire against air targets while moving.

The radar units carry on radar reconnaissance of the air enemy and warn troops of his approach.