

单词 mvs



Multiple Virtual Storage


(Multiple Virtual Storage) Introduced in 1974, the primary operating system used with IBM mainframes (the others are VM and DOS/VSE). MVS is a batch processing-oriented operating system that manages large amounts of memory and disk space. Online operations are provided with CICS, TSO and other system software.

MVS/Extended Architecture
MVS/XA manages the enhancements introduced in 1981 with IBM's 370/XA architecture, including 2GB of virtual memory.

MVS/Enterprise Systems Architecture
MVS/ESA manages the enhancements made to large scale mainframes, including 16TB of virtual memory, introduced in 1988 with IBM's ESA/370 architecture. MVS/ESA ran on all models of the System/390 ES/9000 product line introduced in 1990.

In 1996, MVS/ESA was packaged with an extensive set of utilities that was renamed OS/390. The name MVS was still used to refer to the base control program in OS/390. See OS/390.


MVSMultiple Virtual Storage (IBM mainframe operating system)
MVSMobile Voice System (Blackberry)
MVSMachine Vision System
MVSMicrosoft Visual Studio
MVSMiami Valley School (Dayton, OH)
MVSMulti Volume File System
MVSManaged Virus Scan
MVSMotion Vector of Shape
MVSMultiple Virtual Storage
MVSMobile Vpn Server
MVSMulti Vendor Support
MVSMulti Volume Sets
MVSManufacture Des Voitures De Sport
MVSMultiple Virtual Systems
MVSMulti Vendor Service
MVSMobile Veterinary Services (various locations)
MVSMotor Vehicle Services
MVSMennonite Voluntary Service
MVSMultiple Virtual System
MVSMulti Video System (SNK)
MVSMulti-Volume Support (computing)
MVSMarket Value Structure
MVSMoon Valley Software (California)
MVSMultiple Voting Shares (finance)
MVSMcAfee Virus Scan
MVSMuzzle Velocity System
MVSMahila Vikas Samiti (India)
MVSMulti Vendor Shipping
MVSMobile Video System
MVSMaster of Veterinary Studies
MVSMine Ventilation Services, Inc.
MVSManaged Voice Services
MVSManufacture de Voitures de Sport (French car manufacturer)
MVSMan Versus System
MVSMidwest Venture Summit
MVSMultiple Vibration System
MVSMultiple Video Streams
MVSModularized Vehicle Simulation
MVSMaritime Vessel Stopper
MVSMechanized Vibrating Screen Manufacturers Association
MVSMissile Velocity Servo
MVSMechanical Vibration System
MVSMinimum Visual Signal
MVSMagnetic Voltage Stabilizer
MVSMean Vibration Seconds
MVSModular Video System
MVSMutual Visual System
MVSMolecular Vibrational State
MVSMolecular Vibrational Spectrometer (spectroscopic analysis)
MVSMaster of Vocational Studies




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