

单词 mai



Abbreviation for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare.
See also: Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex.


Abbreviation for:
mitotic activity index (see there)



Member, Appraisal Institute; a designation awarded to appraisers who meet stringent educational,testing,and experience requirements imposed by the Appraisal Institute.


MAIMail (File Name Extension)
MAIMultilateral Agreement on Investment
MAIMinisterul Afacerilor Interne (Romanian: Ministry of the Interior; Moldova)
MAIMultiple Access Interference
MAIModelo de Atención Integral (Spanish: Integral Attention Model; healthcare)
MAIMinisterul Administratiei si Internelor (Romanian: Ministry of the Interior)
MAIMaius (Latin: May)
MAIMartial Arts Instructor (various organizations)
MAIMontréal, Arts Interculturels (French: Montreal, Intercultural Arts; Canada)
MAIMécanique et Automatismes Industriels (French: Mechanical and Industrial Automation)
MAIMobile App Install (advertising)
MAIMinistério da Administração Interna (Portugal)
MAIManagement Association of Illinois
MAIMycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare
MAIMember, Appraisal Institute (real estate)
MAIMinority AIDS Initiative
MAIMoscow Aviation Institute
MAIMean Annual Increment (forestry)
MAIMarket for Alternative Investment (Second Board on Thailand's Exchange)
MAIMachine-Aided Indexing (computing)
MAIMonash Asia Institute
MAIMcdonald Associates, Inc. (Illinois)
MAIMcAfee Associates, Inc. (software; various locations)
MAIMeinl Airports International (Austria)
MAIMarine Asset Intelligence (Caterpillar, Inc.)
MAIManufacturers' Association of Israel
MAIMerchant Administration Interface (various businesses)
MAIMedia Action International
MAIMade As Instructed
MAIMiddleware-Application Interaction
MAIMedical Action Industries Inc. (Brentwood, NY)
MAIMarriage Alive International (est. 1983)
MAIMedian Area Income
MAIMarket Access Intelligence (World Trade Organization)
MAIMultilevel Assessment Instrument
MAIMajor Automated Information
MAIMigration and Asylum Initiative (now part of MARRI)
MAIMilitary Assistance Institute
MAIMeasurement, Analysis and Improvement
MAIMyanmar Airway International
MAIMedication Assisted Intubation
MAIManagement Assistance Incorporated
MAIMaterial Annex Item
MAIGeneral Appraisal Member of the Appraisal Institute (formerly Member Appraisal Institute)
MAIMultiple Action Interaction
MAIMesna, Adriamycin, and Ifosfamide (chemotherapy regimen)
MAIMedical Awareness Institute (San Diego, CA)
MAIMaster Assessment Index
MAIMalaysian Association of Illinois (Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, IL)




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