air embolus

air embolism

The presence of gas in blood vessels, which is most significant in the coronary and cerebral arteries. An estimated 100 cc of gas (air) may suffice to cause death, as it blocks blood flow, not unlike a vapour lock in a hydraulic system. To document AE at autopsy, the organ must be opened underwater to detect bubbling.

air embolus

Air embolism The presence of gas in blood vessels, which can cause an interrruption of normal blood flow; AE is of greatest importance in the coronary and cerebral arteries. See Embolism.


(em'bo-lus) plural.emboli [Gr. embolos, stopper] A mass of undissolved matter present in a blood or lymphatic vessel and brought there by the blood or lymph. Emboli may be solid, liquid, or gaseous. Occlusion of vessels from emboli usually results in the development of infarcts. See: thrombosis; thrombus

air embolus

Air embolism.

coronary embolus

An embolus in one of the coronary arteries. It may be a complication of arteriosclerosis and may cause angina pectoris.

pulmonary embolus

An embolus in the pulmonary artery or one of its branches. See: pulmonary embolism