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of·fice O0038700 (ô′fĭs, ŏf′ĭs)n.1. a. A place in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted.b. The administrative personnel, executives, or staff working in such a place: Can your office handle that amount of work?2. a. A subdivision of a governmental department: the US Patent Office.b. A major executive division of a government: the British Home Office.3. a. A position of authority, duty, or trust given to a person, as in a government or corporation: the office of vice president.b. Public position: Is she inclined to seek office?4. a. A duty or function assigned to or assumed by someone: Our host performed the office of tour guide. See Synonyms at function.b. often offices A service or beneficial act done for another: Through her kind offices we were given a room with a view.5. Ecclesiastical A ceremony, rite, or service, usually prescribed by liturgy, especially:a. The canonical hours.b. A prayer service in the Anglican Church, such as Morning or Evening Prayer.c. A ceremony, rite, or service for a special purpose, especially the Office of the Dead.6. offices Chiefly British The parts of a house, such as the laundry and kitchen, in which servants carry out household work. [Middle English, from Old French, duty, from Latin officium; see dhē- in Indo-European roots.]office (ˈɒfɪs) n1. a. a room or set of rooms in which business, professional duties, clerical work, etc, are carried outb. (as modifier): office furniture; an office boy. 2. (often plural) the building or buildings in which the work of an organization, such as a business or government department, is carried out3. a commercial or professional business: the architect's office approved the plans. 4. the group of persons working in an office: it was a happy office until she came. 5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (capital when part of a name) (in Britain) a department of the national government: the Home Office. 6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (capital when part of a name) (in the US)a. a governmental agency, esp of the Federal governmentb. a subdivision of such an agency or of a department: Office of Science and Technology. 7. a. a position of trust, responsibility, or duty, esp in a government or organization: the office of president; to seek office. b. (in combination): an office-holder. 8. duty or function: the office of an administrator. 9. (often plural) a minor task or service: domestic offices. 10. (often plural) an action performed for another, usually a beneficial action: through his good offices. 11. (Theatre) a place where tickets, information, etc, can be obtained: a ticket office. 12. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity a. (often plural) a ceremony or service, prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities, esp one for the deadb. the order or form of thesec. RC Church the official daily serviced. short for divine office13. (plural) the parts of a house or estate where work is done, goods are stored, etc14. (usually plural) euphemistic Brit a lavatory (esp in the phrase usual offices)15. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) in office (of a government) in power16. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) out of office (of a government) out of power17. the office slang a hint or signal[C13: via Old French from Latin officium service, duty, from opus work, service + facere to do]of•fice (ˈɔ fɪs, ˈɒf ɪs) n. 1. a place where business is conducted. 2. a room assigned to a specific person or a group of persons in such a place. 3. a business or professional organization: working in an architect's office. 4. the staff that works in a place of business. 5. a position of duty, trust, or authority: the office of president. 6. employment or position as an official: to seek office. 7. the duty, function, or part of a particular person or agency; responsibility; charge. 8. (usu. cap.) a government agency, or a division of a government department: Office of Community Services. 9. (usu. cap.) a department of the national government in Great Britain: the Foreign Office. 10. Often, offices. something, whether good or bad, done or said for or to another: the good offices of a friend. 11. a. the prescribed order or form for a service of the church or for devotional use. b. the services so prescribed. c. Divine Office. d. a ceremony or rite, esp. for the dead. 12. offices, Chiefly Brit. the parts of a house, as the kitchen, pantry, or laundry, devoted mainly to household work. [1200–50; Middle English < Old French < Latin officium service, duty, ceremony, derivative of opus work + facere to make, do] ThesaurusNoun | 1. | office - place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed; "he rented an office in the new building"business officeticket booth, ticket office, box office - the office where tickets of admission are soldcountinghouse - office used by the accountants of a businessgovernment office - an office where government employees workcentral office, headquarters, main office, home base, home office - (usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise; "many companies have their headquarters in New York"life office - life assurance officeloan office - an office where loans are negotiated and repaidnewsroom - an office in which news is processed by a newspaper or news agency or television or radio stationoffice block, office building - a building containing offices where work is donebusiness establishment, place of business - an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are renderedshipping office - the office of a shipping agent; an office where seamen are hired | | 2. | office - an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"agency, bureau, federal agency, government agency, authorityadministrative body, administrative unit - a unit with administrative responsibilitiesexecutive agency - an agency of the executive branch of governmentFDA, Food and Drug Administration - a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related productsCDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention - a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services; located in Atlanta; investigates and diagnoses and tries to control or prevent diseases (especially new and unusual diseases)Counterterrorist Center, CTC - an agency that helps the Director of Central Intelligence coordinate counterterrorist efforts in order to preempt and disrupt and defeat terrorist activities at the earliest possible stageNonproliferation Center, NPC - an agency that serves as the focal point for all Intelligence Community activities related to nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their missile delivery systemsBureau of the Census, Census Bureau - the bureau of the Commerce Department responsible for taking the census; provides demographic information and analyses about the population of the United StatesNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA - an agency in the Department of Commerce that maps the oceans and conserves their living resources; predicts changes to the earth's environment; provides weather reports and forecasts floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters related to weatherNational Climatic Data Center, NCDC - the part of NOAA that maintains the world's largest active archive of weather dataNational Weather Service - the federal agency in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that is responsible for weather forecast and preparation of weather mapsTechnology Administration - an agency in the Department of Commerce that works with United States industries to promote competitiveness and maximize the impact of technology on economic growthNational Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST - an agency in the Technology Administration that makes measurements and sets standards as needed by industry or government programsNational Technical Information Service, NTIS - an agency in the Technology Administration that is a primary resource for government-funded scientific and technical and engineering and business related informationDARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense; responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since 9/11Department of Defense Laboratory System, LABLINK - a defense laboratory that provides essential services in fundamental science for national security and environmental protection and provides technologies that contribute to industrial competitivenessDepartment of Energy Intelligence, DOEI - an agency that collects political and economic and technical information about energy matters and makes the Department of Energy's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence CommunityPHS, United States Public Health Service - an agency that serves as the office of Surgeon General; includes agencies whose mission is to improve the public healthNational Institutes of Health, NIH - an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services whose mission is to employ science in the pursuit of knowledge to improve human health; is the principal biomedical research agency of the federal governmentBJA, Bureau of Justice Assistance - the bureau in the Department of Justice that assists local criminal justice systems to reduce or prevent crime and violence and drug abuseBJS, Bureau of Justice Statistics - the agency in the Department of Justice that is the primary source of criminal justice statistics for federal and local policy makersImmigration and Naturalization Service, INS - an agency in the Department of Justice that enforces laws and regulations for the admission of foreign-born persons to the United StatesUnited States Border Patrol, US Border Patrol - the mobile law enforcement arm of the Immigration and Naturalization Service that detects and prevents illegal entry of aliens into the United StatesBureau of Diplomatic Security, DS - the bureau in the State Department that is responsible for the security of diplomats and embassies overseasForeign Service - the part of the State Department that supplies diplomats for the United States embassies and consulates around the worldBureau of Intelligence and Research, INR - an agency that is the primary source in the State Department for interpretive analyses of global developments and focal point for policy issues and activities of the Intelligence CommunityFWS, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service - an agency in the Department of the Interior that conserves and protects fish and wildlife and their habitats; assesses the environmental impact of pesticides and nuclear power site and hydroelectric dams and thermal pollution | | 3. | office - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"role, function, partduty - work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons; "the duties of the job"capacity - a specified function; "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"hat - an informal term for a person's role; "he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly"portfolio - the role of the head of a government department; "he holds the portfolio for foreign affairs"lieu, stead, place, position - the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another; "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of"second fiddle - a secondary role or function; "he hated to play second fiddle to anyone" | | 4. | office - (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power; "being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage"; "during his first year in office"; "during his first year in power"; "the power of the president"powerstate - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"governing, government activity, government, governance, administration - the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable experience of government"executive clemency - the power (usually of a president or governor) to pardon or commute the sentence of someone convicted in that jurisdictionwar power - an extraordinary power exercised (usually by the executive branch) in the prosecution of a war and involving an extension of the powers that the government normally has in peacetime | | 5. | office - professional or clerical workers in an office; "the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard"office staffstaff - personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task; "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff"; "the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions" | | 6. | office - a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities; "the offices of the mass"religious rite, rite - an established ceremony prescribed by a religion; "the rite of baptism"Divine Office - canonical prayers recited daily by priests (e.g. the breviary of the Roman Catholic Church)Little Office - a Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary; similar to but shorter than the Divine OfficeOffice of the Dead - an office read or sung before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church | | 7. | office - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"berth, billet, post, situation, position, spot, placejob, line of work, occupation, business, line - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business"academicianship - the position of member of an honorary academyaccountantship - the position of accountantadmiralty - the office of admiralambassadorship - the post of ambassadorapostleship - the position of apostleapprenticeship - the position of apprenticeassociateship - the position of associate (as in an office or academy)attorneyship - the position of attorneybailiffship - the office of bailiffbaronetage - the state of a baronetbishopry, episcopate - the office and dignity of a bishopcadetship - the position of cadetcaliphate - the office of a caliphcaptaincy, captainship - the post of captaincardinalship - the office of cardinalchairmanship - the position of chairmanchancellorship - the office of chancellorchaplaincy, chaplainship - the position of chaplainchieftaincy, chieftainship - the position of chieftainclerkship - the job of clerkcommandership, commandery - the position or office of commandercomptrollership - the position of comptrollerconsulship - the post of consulcontrollership - the position of controllercouncillorship, councilorship - the position of council membercounsellorship, counselorship - the position of counselorcuracy - the position of a curatecuratorship - the position of curatorcustodianship - the position of custodiandeanship, deanery - the position or office of a deandirectorship - the position of a director of a business concerndiscipleship - the position of discipleeditorship - the position of editoreldership - the office of elderemirate - the office of an emirfatherhood - the status of a fatherfatherhood - the status of a religious leaderforemanship - the position of foremangeneralcy, generalship - the office and authority of a generalgovernorship - the office of governorheadship - the position of headheadship - the position of headmaster or headmistresshot seat - a difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticismincumbency - the office of an incumbentinspectorship - the office of inspectorinstructorship - the position of instructorinternship - the position of a medical internjudgeship, judicature - the position of judgekhanate - the position of a khanlectureship - the post of lecturerlegateship, legation - the post or office of legatelegislatorship - the office of legislatorlibrarianship - the position of librarianlieutenancy - the position of a lieutenantmagistracy, magistrature - the position of magistratemanagership - the position of managermanhood - the status of being a manmarshalship - the post of marshallmastership - the position of mastermayoralty - the position of mayormessiahship - the position of messiahmoderatorship - the position of moderatoroverlordship - the position of overlordpastorship, pastorate - the position of pastorpeasanthood - the state of being a peasant; "the same homely dress she wore in the days of her peasanthood"plum - a highly desirable position or assignment; "a political plum"praetorship - the office of praetorprecentorship - the position of precentorpreceptorship - the position of preceptorprefecture - the office of prefectprelacy, prelature - the office or station of a prelate |
officenoun1. place of work, workplace, base, workroom, place of business He had an office just big enough for a desk and chair.2. branch, department, division, section, wing, subdivision, subsection Downing Street's press office3. post, place, role, work, business, service, charge, situation, commission, station, responsibility, duty, function, employment, capacity, appointment, occupation the honour and dignity of the office of Presidentplural noun1. support, help, backing, aid, favour, assistance, intervention, recommendation, patronage, mediation, advocacy, auspices, aegis, moral support, intercession, espousal Thanks to his good offices, a home has been found for the birds.officenoun1. A piece of work that has been assigned:assignment, chore, duty, job, stint, task.2. A post of employment:appointment, berth, billet, job, place, position, situation, slot, spot.Slang: gig.3. A charitable deed.Often used in plural:benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, benignity, favor, kindliness, kindness, oblation, philanthropy.4. A formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual:ceremonial, ceremony, liturgy, observance, rite, ritual, service.Translationsoffice (ˈofis) noun1. the room or building in which the business of a firm is done. The firm's head offices are in New York; (also adjective) office furniture. 辦事處 办事处2. the room in which a particular person works. the bank manager's office. 辦公室 办公室3. a room or building used for a particular purpose. Train tickets are bought at the ticket-office. 售票處 售票处4. a position of authority, especially in or as a government. Our party has not been in office for years; the office of mayor. 職務 职务ˈofficer noun1. a person holding a commission in the army, navy or air force. a naval officer. 軍官,警官,船長 军官,警官,船长 2. a person who carries out a public duty. a police-officer. 公務人員,警官 公务员,警官 - I work in an office → 我在办公室工作
- Where is the tourist office? → 旅游信息服务处在哪儿?
- Post office → 邮局
- When does the post office open? → 邮局几点开门?
- Sightseeing & tourist office (US)
Sightseeing and tourist office (UK) → 观光与旅游服务处 - How do I get to your office? → 去您的办公室怎么走?
- Do you have a press office? → 你们有新闻部吗?
back officeThe section of a business or company that is responsible for managing internal affairs (such as administration, information technology, and so on) and thus generally does not have contact with clients, customers, or the general public. You should ask one of the people in the back office for help with your computer. I spent so many years as part of the bank's back office that now I'm not sure I know the appropriate way to talk to a customer.See also: back, officebox office1. The place where one may purchase tickets to a performance, such as a film, play, concert, etc.; usually located within the venue. You can purchase your tickets online, but if you'd like to pay in cash, you can buy them at our box office.2. A show's or performance's overall financial success as measured by ticket sales, usually used in the form "at the box office." Though it was critically acclaimed as the summer's best movie, it didn't do very well at the box office.See also: box, officebox-office bombA film that performs very poorly in ticket sales, earning less than the cost of production. After its third box-office bomb in a row, the film studio was forced to close down.See also: bombCan I see you in my office?A request to speak privately in an office, typically said by a boss or superior, perhaps because one is going to be reprimanded. A: "Can I see you in my office?" B: "Oh man. Is this because I lost that account?"See also: can, seedo a land-office businessTo sell something very successfully. Stores that sell shovels and rock salt always do a land-office business after the prediction of a snowstorm.See also: businessthe front officeThe management of an organization, usually a business. Don't ask me—all the decisions get made by the front office. The front office is expected to make a lot of personnel changes in the offseason.See also: front, officebe doing a land-office businessTo be selling something very successfully. Because we sell shovels and rock salt, we're doing a land-office business after that blizzard forecast.See also: businessgood officesAid or support given to others, often from a position of influence. My English teacher's good offices helped me to get me an internship at the local newspaper.See also: good, officejust another day at the officeAnother in a series of typical, ordinary days, especially in the context of work. (Often used to highlight that one's typical day consists of things not normal for most people.) A: "How was your day, dear?" B: "Oh, just another day at the office—customers threatening to sue, employees trying to steal merchandise, the usual. During the team's peak, each win seemed like just another day at the office. Now that they've fallen so far in the ranks, every win feels hard earned.See also: another, just, officethrough (one's) good officesThrough someone's assistance or influence. It was through the State Department's good offices that we were able to locate our son in Cambodia. My uncle is great friends with the college dean, and it was through his good offices that I was able to get in despite my poor grades.See also: good, office, throughthrough the good offices of (someone)Through someone's assistance or influence. It was through the good offices of the State Department that we were able to locate our son in Cambodia. Through the good offices of my uncle, who is close friends with the college dean, I was able to get in despite my poor grades.See also: good, of, office, throughland-office businessA very large volume of trade or business, especially when conducted in or over a short period of time. We always do a land-office business in camping tents in the weeks leading up to the local music festival.See also: businesstake officeTo assume a position of political authority, especially one that is granted as the result of a public election. The controversial businesswoman had hardly taken office in the senate before becoming immediately embroiled in scandal. I promise that when I take office, I'm going to dedicate my time and energy to solving this city's homelessness crisis.See also: office, takeI gave at the officeA phrase used to decline giving money to someone or something, often to a charitable cause. A: "Mister, do you want to donate to my Scout troop?" B: "Sorry, sonny, I gave at the office." Hoo boy, I really wish I could help you out with some money, but I gave at the office.See also: gave, officeoust (one) from1. To depose one; to force one to leave a place or position of power or authority. In a startling coup, the military has ousted the prime minister from office. A group of board members has met in secret to plot how to oust the CEO from the company.2. To forcibly remove one from some place. Often used in passive constructions. We were ousted from the bar after the bartender saw we had fake IDs. The security guard ousted the loitering teenagers from the mall.See also: oustforce (one) out of officeTo pressure one to resign or otherwise force one to leave or be removed from an authoritative position that one has been elected to. Do you think these accusations are credible or just an attempt to force the mayor out of office? Now that we know Fred's involved in the scandal too, we need to force him out of office.See also: force, of, office, outdrive (one) out of officeTo pressure one to resign or otherwise force one to leave or be removed from an authoritative position that one has been elected to. Do you think these accusations are credible or just an attempt to drive the mayor out of office? Now that we know Fred's involved in the scandal too, we need to drive him out of office.See also: drive, of, office, outCould I see you in my office? and Can I see you in my office?I want to talk to you in the privacy of my office. (Typically said by a supervisor to a lower-ranking employee.) "Mr. Franklin," said Bill's boss sort of sternly, "Could I see you in my office for a minute? We need to talk about something."See also: could, seedo a land-office businessFig. to do a large amount of buying or selling in a short period of time. The icecream shop always does a land-office business on a hot day. The tax collector's office did a land-office business on the day that taxes were due.See also: businessforce someone out of office and drive someone out of office; drive someone out; force someone outto drive someone out of an elective office. The city coun il forced out the mayor, who resigned under pressure. Please resign immediately, or I'll have to drive you out.See also: force, of, office, outland-office businessFig. a large amount of business done in a short period of time. We always do a land-office business at this time of year. We keep going. Never do land-office business—just enough to make out.See also: businesstake officeto begin serving as an elected or appointed official. When did the mayor take office? All the elected officials took office just after the election.See also: office, takebox office1. The office where seats for a play, concert, or other form of entertainment may be purchased, as in Tickets are available at the box office. It is so called because originally (17th century) it was the place for hiring a box, a special compartment of theater seats set aside for ladies. [Second half of 1700s] 2. The financial receipts from a performance; also, a show's relative success in attracting a paying audience. For example, You may not consider it great art, but this play is good box office. [c. 1900] See also: box, officefront officeThe policy-making or executive individuals in an organization, as in I'll have to check with the front office before I can give you a discount. This term was originally underworld slang for police headquarters or the main detective bureau. It soon was extended to other administrative offices and their personnel. [c. 1900] See also: front, officeland-office businessA thriving, expanding, or very profitable concern or volume of trade. For example, After the storm they did a land-office business in snow shovels and rock salt. This term, dating from the 1830s, alludes to the throng of applicants to government land offices through which Western lands were sold. It has been used for other booming business since the mid-1800s. See also: businesstake officeAssume an official position or employment, as in The new chair takes office after the first of the year. [Mid-1800s] See also: office, takebe doing a land-office business or be doing land-office business AMERICAN, OLD-FASHIONEDIf a company is doing a land-office business or is doing land-office business, it is very successful. The Paradiso, one of the capital's newest and most luxurious clubs, was doing a land-office business. Scooter and bicycle dealers are doing land-office business. Note: In the United States before the Civil War, the government opened up land offices which sold rights to pieces of land in the West. So many people wanted to buy land to settle on that there were often long queues outside the offices before they opened in the morning. See also: businessgood offices help and support, often given by exercising your influence. 2002 Daily Telegraph Mr Blair will demonstratively use his good offices to bring round the German and French leaders, thereby gaining prestige in Washington. See also: good, officejust another day at the office boring routine. 1997 Times Professional cricket has been reduced to just another day at the ‘office’. See also: another, just, officethrough somebody’s good ˈoffices (formal) with somebody’s help: He eventually managed to find employment, through the good offices of a former colleague.See also: good, office, throughjust another day at the officeA sarcastic description of an unusual event, usually but not always at a workplace. An online race car article by Kenny Bruce had, “Jimmie Johnson finally wins at Bristol and it’s just another day at the office for the four-time Sprint Cup champion” (March 21, 2010). Or, “A co-worker who was being let go vented his rage in a shooting spree—just another day at the office!” See also: another, just, officeland-office business, aA booming enterprise. This term dates from the 1830s and refers to local land offices of the U.S. government that registered applicants for purchasing government lands in the West. Although the government had been in the business of selling its land to settlers since Revolutionary times, from the 1820s on this business was greatly augmented and land offices saw long lines of applicants. By the mid-nineteenth century the term land-office business had been transferred to any fast-expanding or very profitable enterprise. Reporting on an election in 1875, the Chicago Tribune stated, “The taprooms adjoining the polls were all open and doing a land-office business.”I gave at the officeAn explanation for not contributing to a cause or organization, or an excuse not to donate or participate in anything. Campaigns for civic and charitable causes like the Red Cross and Community Chest were once far more prevalent at places of business than they now are, and people routinely made donations. Someone who was approached at home or elsewhere could have a valid excuse of “I gave through the office.”By extension, the phrase came to be used to slough off any kind of request. For example, someone who asked for a $20 loan might have been met with “Sorry, I gave at the office.” An old chestnut of a joke tells about the man who was lost on a camping trip. Rescuers scoured the wilderness until a medical emergency team finally spotted a solitary figure across a wide chasm. “Charlie Smith,” someone shouted,” “is that you?” “Yes, it is,” came the reply. “Who are you?” “We're from the Red Cross.” “I gave through the office!” Charlie shouted back.See also: gave, officeoffice
office1. (in Britain) a department of the national government 2. in the USa. a governmental agency, esp of the Federal government b. a subdivision of such an agency or of a department 3. a place where tickets, information, etc., can be obtained 4. Christianitya. a ceremony or service, prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities, esp one for the dead b. the order or form of these c. RC Church the official daily service d. short for divine officeWhat does it mean when you dream about an office?Dreams about one’s place of work may simply indicate that one can’t leave work at the office, has too much to do, or too much on one’s mind. An office is often a symbol of authority and of one’s professional esteem and position in the world. Other kinds of meanings are indicated by the nature of a particular office (e.g., the welfare office, a lawyer’s office). office
office The suite of rooms where a physician receives and treats Pts, and otherwise practices medicine, known in the UK as 'surgery' Medtalk An agency or section of an official or governmental body. See European Patent Office. office (ŏf′is) 1. A room, suite, or building used for professional, commercial, or bureaucratic work. 2. An outpatient facility where patients are seen, examined, and treated; a clinic.Patient discussion about officeQ. I absolutely hate hospitals and doctors offices and can't stand them. any advice? I was very accident prone growing up so i have a lot of bad memories from the hospital and doctors offices that affect me today. Every time i get hurt or sick i refuse to go to get checked out and recently i did something to my wrist i was worried that i did something bad to it but i still wouldn't go. I'm better now but i need to get over my fears so i can handle these visits to the doctors or I'm worried something bad could happen in the future. Does anyone have any advice on what i should do?A. this fear surly comes from places you know about. this is a first step! congratulations :). now you have to figure what to do with them- that a very good situation to be in. all you have to do is choose how you want to overcome your fears. my advise to you is getting a psychologist that specialized in phobias. he can direct you to the next step much better then anyone else. you can also try Biofeedback, a treatment that helps you control your body reactions- http://psychotherapy.com/bio.html but i would let the psychologist recommend me a kind of therapy.. good luck! Q. Is there a chance for the urine test at the doctor's office to go wrong? Four times I have experienced home pregnancy tests. They all came positive to my delight. Once I had a urine test in a clinic it came negative. I was told at the clinic by a nurse that the home pregnancy test may go wrong. I am completely confused. Is there a chance for the urine test at the doctor's office to go wrong? A. Lesa, the home pregnancy test is just a device to help knowing whether a woman is pregnant or not, but I will say that is never 100% accurate, maybe it is 99,something% accurate. but there's always slight chance for that to be wrong. repeated test will confirm the prior test. sometimes when you're happened to check the pregnancy with 'poor-pregnancy-test-device' you can have your result mistaken. if you want to be sure, check it in your doctor's office, and discuss that with your doctor. and one more thing, yes it's true the later you're having late period the higher the probability you're having positive result. so, don't get confused, okay? Q. I doubt this to be fibromyalgia symptom and how can I manage with home and office with this deadly disease? I am a Zonal Manager working in a leading multinational company. My home stress overweighs the work related stress. I have a sweet family consisting of 3 kids and my hubby. My hubby works in an Airline Office and his work schedule is very tight. He doesn’t find time to engage my children at home. Even if he finds time at home, he prefers to relax and enjoy more than talking or playing with the kids. The kids have no other option than approaching me for all their needs. This puts me in continuous stress and now I have developed severe muscular pain all over my body. I doubt this to be fibromyalgia symptom and how can I manage with home and office with this deadly disease?A. It is a proven fact that women with fibromyalgia benefit from working instead of being idle at home. Researchers have proved that working women with fibromyalgia possess better health status than women at home except pain. You have to be careful with your movements at work otherwise it is natural that you can end up in pain which ultimately ruin the rest of busy day. Try to be active and keep working. Follow your medicines regularly along with therapies to get relief from the disastrous pain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwdT_vCxnfk&eurl=http://www.imedix.com/health_community/v0do-98AJiPg_fibromyalgia_help?q=fibromyalgia&feature=player_embedded More discussions about officeOffice
OFFICE. An office is a right to exercise a public function or employment, and to take the fees and emoluments belonging to it,. Shelf. on Mortm. 797; Cruise, Dig. Index, h.t.; 3 Serg. & R. 149. 2. Offices may be classed into civil and military. 3.-1. Civil offices may be classed into political, judicial, and ministerial. 4.-1. The political offices are such as are not connected immediately with the administration of justice, or the execution of the mandates of a superior officer; the office of the president of the United States, of the heads of departments, of the members of the legislature, are of this number. 5.-2. The judicial offices are those which relate to the administration of justice, and which must be exercised by persons of sufficient skill and experience in the duties which appertain to them. 6.-3. Ministerial offices are those which give the officer no power to judge of the matter to be done, and require him to obey the mandates of a superior. 7 Mass. 280. See 5 Wend. 170; 10 Wend. 514; 8 Vern. 512; Breese, 280. It is a general rule, that a judicial office cannot be exercised by deputy, while a ministerial may. 7. In the United, States, the tenure of office never extends beyond good behaviour. In England, offices are public or private. The former affect the people generally, the latter are such as concern particular districts, belonging to private individuals. In the United States, all offices, according to the above definition, are public; but in another sense, employments of a private nature are also called offices; for example, the office of president of a bank, the office of director of a corporation. For the incompatibility of office, see Incompatibility; 4 S. & R. 277; 4 Inst. 100; Com. Dig. h.t., B. 7; and vide, generally, 3 Kent, Com. 362; Cruise, Dig. tit. 25; Ham. N. P. 283; 16 Vin. Ab. 101; Ayliffe's Parerg. 395; Poth. Traite des Choses, Sec. 2; Amer. Dig. h.t.; 17 S. & R. 219. 8.-2. Military offices consist of such as are granted to soldiers or naval officers. 9. The room in which the business of an officer is transacted is also called an office, as the land office. Vide Officer. OFFICE, INQUEST OF. An examination into a matter by an officer in virtue of his office. Vide Inquisition. office
office BUSINESS PREMISES used by a firm in the provision of services. See CAPITAL STOCK, FIXED ASSET.OFFICE
Acronym | Definition |
OFFICE➣On Fourteenth Floor Is Corporate Evil (Kids Next Door show) |
Synonyms for officenoun place of workSynonyms- place of work
- workplace
- base
- workroom
- place of business
noun branchSynonyms- branch
- department
- division
- section
- wing
- subdivision
- subsection
noun postSynonyms- post
- place
- role
- work
- business
- service
- charge
- situation
- commission
- station
- responsibility
- duty
- function
- employment
- capacity
- appointment
- occupation
noun supportSynonyms- support
- help
- backing
- aid
- favour
- assistance
- intervention
- recommendation
- patronage
- mediation
- advocacy
- auspices
- aegis
- moral support
- intercession
- espousal
Synonyms for officenoun a piece of work that has been assignedSynonyms- assignment
- chore
- duty
- job
- stint
- task
noun a post of employmentSynonyms- appointment
- berth
- billet
- job
- place
- position
- situation
- slot
- spot
- gig
noun a charitable deedSynonyms- benefaction
- beneficence
- benevolence
- benignity
- favor
- kindliness
- kindness
- oblation
- philanthropy
noun a formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritualSynonyms- ceremonial
- ceremony
- liturgy
- observance
- rite
- ritual
- service