AWVAnnual Wellness Visit (US DHHS)
AWVAussenwirtschaftsverordnung (German: Foreign Trade Regulation)
AWVArbeitsgemeinschaft für Wirtschaftliche Verwaltung (German: Association for Economic Management; est. 1926)
AWVAdministratie Wegen en Verkeer (Dutch: Roads and Traffic Administration; Belgium)
AWVAlgemene Woningbouw Vereniging (Dutch: General Housing Association; Amsterdam, Netherlands)
AWVArmoured Wheeled Vehicle (military equipment)
AWVAssociation for Women Veterinarians (est. 1947)
AWVAmerican Warming and Ventilating (Holland, OH)
AWVAmerica West Vacations (travel company)
AWVAlgemene Werkgevers Vereniging (Dutch: General Employers' Association)
AWValt.war.vietnam (newsgroup)
AWVAnnulus Wing Valve (subsea oil and gas)