

or Au·to·harp A0535700 (ô′tō-härp′)n. A musical instrument resembling a zither equipped with a row of buttons, each of which damps all of the strings except those forming a desired chord.
[Originally a trademark.]


(ˈɔːtəʊˌhɑːp) n (Instruments) trademark a zither-like musical instrument used in country-and-western music, equipped with button-controlled dampers that can prevent selected strings from sounding, thus allowing chords to be played. It is plucked with the fingers or a plectrum


(ˈɔ toʊˌhɑrp)
n. a zither having buttons that when depressed damp all strings except those to be sounded. [1880–85]


A small zither-like musical instrument popular in the early twentieth century.