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o·men·tum O0071400 (ō-mĕn′təm)n. pl. o·men·ta (-tə) or o·men·tums One of the folds of the peritoneum that connect the stomach with other abdominal organs, especially:a. The greater omentum.b. The lesser omentum. [Latin ōmentum, perhaps a dialectal variant of *ūmentum (from earlier *ovimentum : *ov(i)-, to put on, cover-uere in Latin induere, to put on; see indumentum + -mentum, noun suffix) or perhaps from an Italic source akin to Umbrian umen and Latin unguen, fat, fatty substance (since the greater omentum is rich in fat), and Latin unguentum, salve; see unguent.] o·men′tal (-təl) adj.omental (əʊˈmɛntəl) adj (Anatomy) anatomy located in, of, or relating to the omentum EncyclopediaSeeOmentumomental
o·men·tal (ō-men'tăl), Relating to the omentum. Synonym(s): epiploico·men·tal (ō-men'tăl) Relating to the omentum. Synonym(s): epiploic. omentum (o-ment'um) plural.omenta [L. omentum, adipose membrane] OMENTUMA double fold of peritoneum attached to the stomach and connecting it with certain of the abdominal viscera. It contains a cavity, the omental bursa (lesser peritoneal cavity). See: illustrationgastrocolic omentumGreater omentum.gastrohepatic omentumLesser omentum.greater omentumThe portion of the omentum that is suspended from the greater curvature of the stomach and covers the intestines like an apron. It is the largest of the folds of the peritoneum. It dips in among the folds of the intestines and is attached to the transverse colon and mesocolon. It contains fat, prevents friction, and aids in localizing infections. Synonym: gastrocolic omentumlesser omentumThe portion of the omentum that passes from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the transverse fissure of the liver.omental (o-ment'al), adjectiveThesaurusSeeomentum |