

(ō'men'tō-pek-sē), 1. Suture of the greater omentum to the abdominal wall to induce collateral portal circulation.
See also: omentoplasty.
2. Suture of the omentum to another organ to increase arterial circulation.
See also: omentoplasty.
Synonym(s): omentofixation [omento- + G. pēxis, fixation]


(ō-men'tō-pek-sē) 1. Suture of the greater omentum to the abdominal wall to induce collateral portal circulation. 2. Suture of the omentum to another organ to increase arterial circulation.
See also: omentoplasty
Synonym(s): omentofixation.
[omento- + G. pēxis, fixation]