

(ō'men'tō-plas-tē), Use of vascularized greater omentum to cover or fill a defect, augment arterial or portal venous circulation, absorb effusions, or increase lymphatic drainage.
See also: omentopexy.
[omento- + G. plastos, formed]


(ō-mĕn′tə-plăs′tē)n. A surgical procedure in which a portion of the greater omentum is used to cover or fill a defect, augment arterial or portal venous circulation, absorb effusions, or increase lymphatic drainage.


(ō-men'tō-plas-tē) Use of the greater omentum to cover or fill a defect, augment arterial or portal venous circulation, absorb effusions, or increase lymphatic drainage.
See also: omentopexy
[omento- + G. plastos, formed]


(ō-mĕn′tō-plăs″tē) [L. omentum, covering, + Gr. plassein, to form] The use of tissue from the greater omentum as a graft in reinforcing tissues.