Acronym | Definition |
MLP➣Master Limited Partnership (business legal operating entity) |
MLP➣Movimiento de Liberación de Los Pueblos (Spanish: Liberation Movement of the Peoples; Guatemala) |
MLP➣My Little Pony (toy) |
MLP➣Mono Laser Printer (computer product) |
MLP➣Multilayer Perceptron |
MLP➣Metal License Plate |
MLP➣Medical-Legal Partnership (various locations) |
MLP➣Meridian Lossless Packing |
MLP➣Multilink PPP (Point-to Point-Protocol) |
MLP➣More Light Presbyterians (Minnetonka, MN) |
MLP➣Multi Level Parallelism |
MLP➣Multi Layer Protocol |
MLP➣Microsoft License Pack |
MLP➣Micro Lead Frame Package |
MLP➣Multi Loop Controller |
MLP➣Molded Leadless Package |
MLP➣Master License Program |
MLP➣Multi Level Partitioning |
MLP➣Mobile Launch Platform |
MLP➣Master Logger Program |
MLP➣Multi Level Port |
MLP➣Multi Layer Piezo |
MLP➣Micro Liquid Process |
MLP➣Multiple Platform |
MLP➣Mono Laser Printer |
MLP➣Memory Level Parallelism |
MLP➣Multi Link Ppp |
MLP➣Multi Layer Perception |
MLP➣Msn Live Product |
MLP➣Multi Language Package |
MLP➣Message Link Protocol |
MLP➣Multi Link Procedure |
MLP➣Mercury Living Presence (audiophile record label) |
MLP➣Mini-Lp (Record) |
MLP➣Mobile Location Protocol |
MLP➣Mindless Link Propagation |
MLP➣Marxist-Leninist Party (various locations) |
MLP➣Mobile Launcher Platform (Space Shuttle) |
MLP➣Mid-Level Practitioner |
MLP➣Micro Leadframe Package (semiconductor packaging) |
MLP➣Mobile Landing Platform (class of amphibious logistic ships) |
MLP➣Malta Labor Party |
MLP➣Micro Level Planning |
MLP➣Mauritian Labor Party |
MLP➣Mutual Learning Platform (EU) |
MLP➣Miami Light Project (Florida) |
MLP➣Memory-Level Parallelism |
MLP➣Manufacturer's List Price |
MLP➣Multi-Lingual Publishing |
MLP➣MacNeil-Lehrer Productions |
MLP➣Marriage Law Project (est. 1996; Catholic University; Washington, DC) |
MLP➣Midlevel Provider |
MLP➣Marcher Lord Press (Christian speculative fiction) |
MLP➣Multi-Link Procedure (ITU-T) |
MLP➣Maternity Leave Period (statutory allowance; UK) |
MLP➣Money Laundering Prevention |
MLP➣Medially Luxating Patella (kneecap) |
MLP➣Multi-Layer Protocol |
MLP➣Microsoft License Pak |
MLP➣Movimiento de Liberación Popular |
MLP➣Marschollek, Lautenschläger & Partner (German Finance consulting enterprise) |
MLP➣Multi-Link Protocol (X.25) |
MLP➣Multimode Light Pack (Noyes Fiber Systems) |
MLP➣Minimum Loss Pad (CATV) |
MLP➣Manitoba Liberal Party |
MLP➣Multi-Lateral Peering |
MLP➣Multicultural Leadership Program |
MLP➣Multi-Line Phone |
MLP➣Manning Level Process |
MLP➣Master Logistics Plan |
MLP➣Management Letter Point |
MLP➣Monitored Line Program |
MLP➣Maximum Likelihood Predictor |
MLP➣Main Locator Point (parts measurement) |
MLP➣Mirror Landing Practice |
MLP➣Multi-Level Plating (semi-conductor fabrication process) |
MLP➣Media Law Policy |
MLP➣Multiple Launch Platform |
MLP➣Multiple Level Parking |
MLP➣Message Log Port (ADC) |
MLP➣Mean Launch Power (ANSI) |
MLP➣Multi-Layer Probing |
MLP➣Multi-Level Procedure |
MLP➣Main Line Pump |