Anna Pavlovna Pribyleva-Korba

Pribyleva-Korba, Anna Pavlovna


(maiden name, Meingard). Born Nov. 9 (21), 1849, in Tver’, now Kalinin; died 1939 in Leningrad. Russian revolutionary, Narodnik (Populist). Daughter of an engineer.

Pribyleva-Korba joined the revolutionary movement in 1879. She became an agent in August 1879 and a member in January 1880 of the Executive Committee of the People’s Will (Narodnaia Volia), as well as a member of the editorial board of the newspaper Narodnaia Volia and a member of the organization’s military center. Pribyleva-Korba organized student circles and participated in attempts to assassinate Alexander II. She was also the proprietress of the People’s Will printing house and of apartments for conspirators. Arrested in the summer of 1882, she was sentenced at the Trial of the 17 in the following year to 20 years’ hard labor, which she began serving in the Kara mines. From 1892 she lived in exile. After having been granted amnesty in 1905, she moved to Moscow. In 1909, Pribyleva-Korba was arrested again and exiled to Minusinsk. After the Revolution of October 1917, she became a member of the All-Union Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiles.


Narodnaia Volia, Vospominaniia o 1870–1880-kh gg. Moscow, 1926.
A. D. Mikhailov. Moscow-Leningrad, 1925. (Together with V. N. Figner.)
Autobiographical entry in Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ “Granat,” vol. 40. [No place, no date.]