National Front of Czechoslovakia

National Front of Czechoslovakia


an association of all the political and public organizations of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The National Front embodies the class alliance of the working class, the peasantry, and the working intelligentsia of Czechs, Slovaks, and the country’s other nationalities. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC) plays the leading role in the alliance.

The National Front arose under the leadership of the CPC during the national liberation struggle of the peoples of Czechoslovakia against the fascist invaders as an alliance of workers, peasants, artisans, intelligentsia, and patriotic representatives of other strata of society. Originally called the National Front of Czechs and Slovaks, the National Front was officially formed in March 1945, when an agreement was signed by representatives of the CPC, the Communist Party of Slovakia, the Czechoslovak National Socialist and Social Democratic parties, and the Slovak Populist and Democratic parties. Since 1969 the National Front has been reorganized along federal lines. There is a National Front of the Czech Socialist Republic and of the Slovak Socialist Republic, each with its own central committee, as well as regional, district, city, and local committees. G. Husak is the chairman of the Central Committee of the National Front of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.