释义 |
EncyclopediaSeeCharles Horace MayoMayo bunionectomy
May·o bun·ion·ec·to·my (mā'ō), excision of the head of the first metatarsal.McBride bunionectomy A bunionectomy in which a portion of the proximal phalanx and usually the medial eminence of the metatarsal bone is removed.Mayo, Charles Horace, U.S. surgeon, 1865-1939. Mayo bunionectomy - excision of the head of the first metatarsal.Mayo cannulaMayo carpal instability classificationMayo carrierMayo clampMayo elbow prosthesisMayo forcepsMayo hemostatMayo herniorrhaphyMayo hookMayo instrument tableMayo knifeMayo needleMayo needle holderMayo nerve blockMayo probeMayo resection arthroplastyMayo retractorMayo scissorsMayo scoopMayo semiconstrained elbow prosthesisMayo stripperMayo sutureMayo total ankle prosthesisMayo total elbow arthroplastyMayo-Gibbon heart-lung machineMayo-Hegar needle holder |