Acronym | Definition |
MLT➣Malta (ISO Country code) |
MLT➣Medical Laboratory Technician |
MLT➣Mountlake Terrace (Washington) |
MLT➣Melting Point |
MLT➣Management Leadership for Tomorrow |
MLT➣Music Learning Theory |
MLT➣Master Latency Timer |
MLT➣Microsoft Learning Technologies |
MLT➣Modulated Lapped Transform |
MLT➣Medical Laboratory Technologist |
MLT➣Marketing Leadership Team |
MLT➣Magnetic Local Time |
MLT➣Multi-Link Trunking |
MLT➣Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere |
MLT➣Mixed Layer Temperature |
MLT➣Mean Lifetime |
MLT➣Mechanized Loop Testing |
MLT➣Mobile Light Tower (Generac) |
MLT➣Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato (sandwich) |
MLT➣mean low tide |
MLT➣Manufacturing Lead Time |
MLT➣Multistripe Laser Triangulation |
MLT➣Message Lookup Table |
MLT➣Metallic Loop Test |
MLT➣Minnesota Land Trust |
MLT➣Military Liaison Team |
MLT➣Mean Local Time |
MLT➣Median Lethal Time |
MLT➣Metallic Line Test (analog repair facility test measuring ohms on a standard POTS line) |
MLT➣Management Leadership Team (various organizations) |
MLT➣Mechanized Line Testing |
MLT➣Machine Language Translation |
MLT➣Mobile Land Target |
MLT➣Multi Line Test |
MLT➣Multistate Life Table |
MLT➣Medium Long-Term Notes |
MLT➣Military Leadership Team |
MLT➣Middle Level Transition |
MLT➣Message Loop Testing |
MLT➣Munitions Lift Truck |
MLT➣Master of Law and Taxation (degree) |
MLT➣Multiple Loop Test (DSL connectivity troubleshooting) |
MLT➣Martingale Limit Theorem |
MLT➣Mentoring Leadership Training |