Acronym | Definition |
MM➣Million |
MM➣Millimeter |
MM➣2-digit Month (as in MM/DD/YYYY) |
MM➣Multimedia |
MM➣Materials Management |
MM➣Memory Module (computing) |
MM➣Music Man (model/brand of guitars and basses) |
MM➣Money Market |
MM➣Master of Music |
MM➣Memory Management (Tandem) |
MM➣Molecular Medicine |
MM➣Mass Media |
MM➣Model Management |
MM➣Man/Machine |
MM➣Mixed-Media |
MM➣Marketing Manager |
MM➣Myanmar (Burma; top level domain) |
MM➣Mad Max |
MM➣Moving Magnet |
MM➣Media Manager |
MM➣Mitsubishi Motors |
MM➣Muscle (medical) |
MM➣Meeting Minutes |
MM➣Master Mason |
MM➣Marilyn Monroe |
MM➣Mint Mark (numismatics) |
MM➣Man Man (band) |
MM➣Midtown Madness (gaming) |
MM➣Molecular Mechanics |
MM➣Manufacturing Methods |
MM➣Mile Marker |
MM➣Maintenance Manual |
MM➣Mickey Mouse |
MM➣Metro Manila (Philippines) |
MM➣Marilyn Manson |
MM➣Machine Model |
MM➣Monthly Meeting |
MM➣Minister Mentor (Singapore's highest post) |
MM➣Memorandum |
MM➣Market Maker (securities trading) |
MM➣Make Me |
MM➣Master Model |
MM➣Malignant Melanoma (malignant skin lesion) |
MM➣Main Motor |
MM➣Multi-Meter (Multimeter) |
MM➣Minneapolis Moline |
MM➣MusicMatch (computer music application) |
MM➣Eminem (aka Marshall Mathers) |
MM➣Main Memory |
MM➣Master of Marketing |
MM➣Middle Man |
MM➣Majora's Mask (video game) |
MM➣Multimode |
MM➣Mamma Mia |
MM➣Mastermind (archetype in the game City of Villains) |
MM➣March Madness (college basketball) |
MM➣Mighty Mouse |
MM➣Minuteman |
MM➣MegaMan (video game) |
MM➣Minolta Maxxum (camera) |
MM➣Miu Miu (clothing brand) |
MM➣Moshi Monsters (online game) |
MM➣Mike Mike (military phonetic alphabet slang for millimeter) |
MM➣Main Mode |
MM➣Martyrs (religious order) |
MM➣Martin Marietta (construction aggregates) |
MM➣Multiple Myeloma (type of cancer) |
MM➣Major Maintenance |
MM➣Mercury Marauder (automobile) |
MM➣Modest Mouse (band) |
MM➣Mucous Membrane |
MM➣Marina Militare (Italian Navy) |
MM➣Minnie Mouse |
MM➣Miscellaneous Equipment (mining) |
MM➣Med Mera (Swedish: And So Forth) |
MM➣Monster Manual (gaming) |
MM➣Morning Musume (band) |
MM➣Mad Magazine |
MM➣Meeting Maker (software) |
MM➣Molar Mass |
MM➣Master of Midwifery (UK) |
MM➣Military Medal (UK) |
MM➣Major Mode (Space Shuttle) |
MM➣Mandy Moore (singer) |
MM➣Metamod (gaming) |
MM➣Maniac Mansion (LucasArts game) |
MM➣Maailmanmestari (Finnish: World Champion) |
MM➣Machinist's Mate (USN Rating) |
MM➣Memento Mori (Latin: Remember Death, epigraphy) |
MM➣Millimolar (SI measure) |
MM➣Mass Memory |
MM➣Mere Mortal |
MM➣Mike Myers |
MM➣Mother's Milk |
MM➣Micro Machines |
MM➣Micro Machines (gaming) |
MM➣Malice Mizer (band) |
MM➣Married Men |
MM➣Medicine Man (Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America) |
MM➣Materiel Management |
MM➣Mini Maglite |
MM➣Music Monday (blog community) |
MM➣Maximum Motorsports (various locations) |
MM➣Mobility Management |
MM➣Moving Mean (statistics) |
MM➣Mystery Man |
MM➣Magister Militum (Latin: Military Instructor, epigraphy) |
MM➣Magic Missile (Dungons & Dragons) |
MM➣Media Molecule (game maker) |
MM➣Mickey Mantle |
MM➣MuchMusic (TV channel) |
MM➣Master of Management (degree) |
MM➣Miva Merchant (ecommerce) |
MM➣MathMagic (software) |
MM➣Mother's Milk (Red Chili Peppers album) |
MM➣Military Mission |
MM➣Motorman (NYC Transit Authority) |
MM➣Monster Magnet (band) |
MM➣Medial Malleolus (ankle) |
MM➣Marshall Mathers (aka Eminem) |
MM➣Money Makers |
MM➣Minimal Media |
MM➣Middle Minoan (time period) |
MM➣Mid-Month |
MM➣Maryknoll (religious order) |
MM➣Mark McGwire (baseball player) |
MM➣Majora's Mask (Legend of Zelda game) |
MM➣Milk Maiden |
MM➣Martyres (Latin: Martyrs, epigraphy) |
MM➣Multiple Master (font) |
MM➣Madison Metro (Wisconsin) |
MM➣Mystery Machine (cartoon) |
MM➣Macromedia, Inc. (software company) |
MM➣Mission Management |
MM➣Maritime Mobile |
MM➣Mount McKinley (Alaska, US) |
MM➣Mexican Mafia (Eme) |
MM➣Mobile Management |
MM➣Mapping Mode (windows programming) |
MM➣Mercantile Marine |
MM➣Millennial Media (mobile advertising) |
MM➣Moral Majority |
MM➣Maintenance Measurement |
MM➣Mobile Magazine |
MM➣Megameter (1000000 meters) |
MM➣Man Month |
MM➣Merry Meet |
MM➣Motor Mouth |
MM➣Mute Math (band) |
MM➣Metropolitana Milanese (Subway Society in Milan, Italy) |
MM➣Merrie Melodies |
MM➣Middle Marker |
MM➣Mesoscale Model |
MM➣Modigliani Miller (finance researchers) |
MM➣Mystery Method |
MM➣Mode Matching |
MM➣Malden, Massachusetts |
MM➣Medical Missionary |
MM➣Metropolitan Magistrate |
MM➣Micro Master (Sprint) |
MM➣Master Mariner (nautical title) |
MM➣Mobility Manager |
MM➣Modest Mussorgsky (classical composer) |
MM➣Motocross Madness (gaming) |
MM➣Monatsmiete (German: month's rent) |
MM➣Mental Masturbation (expression for too much use of intellectual analysis vs. real-life experience) |
MM➣Makin' Magic (Sims expansion pack) |
MM➣Myotubular Myopathy |
MM➣Mission Module |
MM➣Mapping Module (Telabs) |
MM➣Mission Manager (USACE) |
MM➣Marine Major |
MM➣Money Match |
MM➣Modified Mercalli Scale (earthquake intensity scale) |
MM➣Money Mart |
MM➣Minutes/Month |
MM➣Mischa Maisky (classical cellist) |
MM➣Mistmoore (gaming, EverQuest) |
MM➣Metadata Manager |
MM➣Mathematics Magazine |
MM➣Miserable Mill (Lemony Snicket) |
MM➣Mega-Memory |
MM➣Mean Mom |
MM➣Meridian Mail (Northern Telecom) |
MM➣Mensa Member |
MM➣Miyoshi Myopathy |
MM➣Military Message |
MM➣Mineral Map |
MM➣Mission Minded |
MM➣My Michelle (Guns N' Roses song) |
MM➣Michael Moorer (boxer) |
MM➣Minerva Mink |
MM➣Magnetic Meridian (surveying) |
MM➣Mysore Mallige (rice variety) |
MM➣Mortimer Mouse (Walt Disney) |
MM➣Medal for Merit |
MM➣Momentum Management |
MM➣Micro Mole |
MM➣Mott MacDonald Ltd. |
MM➣Minion Master (GuildWars gaming) |
MM➣Mayhem Makers (gaming clan) |
MM➣Masters Degree in Management |
MM➣Master of Ministry |
MM➣Malden, Missouri |
MM➣Materia Magica (gaming) |
MM➣Molly McGuire (rock band) |
MM➣Sociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín (IATA code for Colombian airline) |
MM➣Magnae Matri (Latin: To the Great Mother, epigraphy) |
MM➣Mariner Mars (1964-1971 exploratory satellites) |
MM➣Mithaniel Marr (gaming, EverQuest) |
MM➣Materiel Manager |
MM➣Ministria e Mbrojtjes (Ministry of Defence, Albania) |
MM➣Municipal Map |
MM➣Message Mismatch |
MM➣Millions or Thousands |
MM➣Maelzel's Metronome |
MM➣Methodology Manager |
MM➣Mennonite Men |
MM➣Moe Mondays (Moe's Southwest Grill) |
MM➣Midnight Metal (Canadian radio show) |
MM➣Manned Module |
MM➣Mysterious Mysteries (Invader Zim) |
MM➣Multi Mediation (Ericsson telecom system billing data gateway product) |
MM➣Mysterious Mysteries |
MM➣Mercury Module |
MM➣Mastiff Media |
MM➣Mennonite Media |
MM➣Mormon Mafia |
MM➣Modified Margin (philately) |
MM➣Ministria e Mjedisit (Albanian: Ministry of Environment) |
MM➣Mission Motion |
MM➣Mandatory Metallica |
MM➣Memoryless Modulator |
MM➣Missile Minder |
MM➣managed mail tray (US Postal Service) |
MM➣Ma'aseh Merkavah (divine chariot in Jewish mysticism) |
MM➣Mestre Marco |
MM➣Motorola Marathon |
MM➣Male Mensan (Mensa International) |
MM➣Marching Mustangs (marching band; various locations) |
MM➣Multi-Mayhem |
MM➣Merger Manual |
MM➣Meisic Mall (Manila, Philippines) |
MM➣Directorate for Materiel Management |
MM➣Misery Method |
MM➣Multinational Manual |
MM➣Morelli-Mengali (frequency estimation algorithm) |
MM➣Music & Media LLC (New York, NY) |