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noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
noninvasive positive pressure ventilationthe application of positive pressure through a nasal or full-face mask encompassing the nose and mouth, which is cycled in a similar way to modes of ventilation in which more direct control of the patient's airway or trachea has been achieved. This type of ventilation is often used to temporize while treating the patient to avoid endotracheal intubation.non·in·va·sive pos·i·tive pres·sure ven·ti·la·tion (NIPPV) (non'in-vā'siv poz'i-tiv presh'ŭr ven'ti-lā'shŭn) In respiratory therapy, use of a full face mask covering both nose and mouth; often used temporarily before endotracheal intubation. AcronymsSeeNIPPV |