optic atrophy
Optic Atrophy
Causes and symptoms
- Optic neuritis. Optic neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve. It may be associated with eye pain worsened by eye movement. It is more common in young to middle-aged women. Some patients with optic neuritis may develop multiple sclerosis later on in life.
- Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. This is a disease of young men (late teens, early 20s), characterized by an onset over a few weeks of painless, severe, central visual loss in one eye, followed weeks or months later by the same process in the other eye. At first the optic disc may be slightly swollen, but eventually there is optic atrophy. The visual loss is generally permanent. This condition is hereditary. If a patient knows that Leber's runs in the family, genetic counseling should be considered.
- Toxic optic neuropathy. Nutritional deficiencies and poisons can be associated with gradual vision loss and optic atrophy, or with sudden vision loss and optic disc swelling. Toxic and nutritional optic neuropathies are uncommon in the United States, but took on epidemic proportions in Cuba in 1992–1993. The most common toxic optic neuropathy is known as tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, thought to be caused by exposure to cyanide from tobacco smoking, and by low levels of vitamin B12 because of poor nutrition and poor absorption associated with drinking alcohol. Other possible toxins included ethambutol, methyl alcohol (moonshine), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), cyanide, lead, and carbon monoxide. Certain medications have also been implicated. Nutritional optic neuropathy may be caused by deficiencies of protein, or of the B vitamins and folate, associated with starvation, malabsorption, or alcoholism.
- Glaucoma. Glaucoma may be caused by an increase of pressure inside the eye. This increased pressure may eventually affect the optic nerve if left untreated.
- Compressive optic neuropathy. This is the result of a tumor or other lesion putting pressure on the optic nerve. Another possible cause is enlargement of muscles involved in eye movement seen in hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease).
- Retinitis pigmentosa. This is a hereditary ocular disorder.
- Syphilis. Left untreated, this disease may result in optic atrophy.
Key terms
optic atrophy
Permanent degeneration, with loss of the component nerve fibres, of the optic nerve. This causes variable degrees of permanent visual loss. Optic atrophy may be hereditary or due to many causes including injury, pressure from a growing pituitary tumour, methanol poisoning, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, GLAUCOMA or RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA.canal
Cloquet's canal See hyaloid canal.
Hannover's canal A space about the equator of the crystalline lens made up between the anterior and posterior parts of the zonule of Zinn and containing aqueous humour and zonular fibres (Fig. C1).
hyaloid canal A channel in the vitreous humour, running from the optic disc to the crystalline lens. In fetal life this canal contains the hyaloid artery, which nourishes the lens, but it usually disappears prior to birth. Syn. central canal; Cloquet's canal; Stilling's canal. See hyaloid remnant.
infraorbital canal A channel beginning at the infraorbital groove in the floor of the orbit and ending at the infraorbital foramen of the maxillary bone opening onto the face below the inferior orbital margin. It is a channel for the infraorbital artery and the infraorbital nerve.
nasolacrimal canal See Table O4.
optic canal A canal leading from the middle cranial fossa to the apex of the orbit in the small wing of the sphenoid bone through which pass the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery. Syn. optic foramen. See Table O4.
canal of Petit A space between the posterior fibres of the zonule of Zinn and the anterior surface of the vitreous humour (Fig. C1).
Schlemm's canal A circular venous sinus located in the corneoscleral junction, anterior to the scleral spur and receiving aqueous humour from the anterior chamber and discharging into the aqueous and the anterior ciliary veins (Fig. C1). Syn. scleral sinus; sinus circularis iridis; sinus venosus sclerae; venous circle of Leber. See trabecular meshwork; scleral spur; aqueous vein.
Stilling's canal See hyaloid canal.

Airy's disc Owing to the wave nature of light, the image of a point source consists of a diffraction pattern. If light passes through a circular aperture, the diffraction pattern will appear as a bright central disc, called Airy's disc, surrounded by concentric light and dark rings. Airy's disc receives about 87% of the luminous flux, the next concentric ring about 8%, and the next 3%. The radius of Airy's disc equals
choked d . See papilloedema.
cupped disc An enlarged and deepened excavation of the physiological cup. It may be physiological, or due to glaucoma (glaucomatous cup), or following atrophy of the optic nerve (as in papilloedema).
diffraction disc See Airy's disc.
Maxwell disc A rotating disc onto which differently coloured discs which are radially slit can be fitted together to overlap and divide the surface into sectors of different colours. It may be used to investigate colour mixture.
morning glory disc A congenital, usually unilateral, anomaly of the optic disc. It may be due to a failure of the embryonic fissure such that the optic disc and some peripapillary tissue prolapse posteriorly. The optic disc is abnormally large and a white-grey tuft of glial tissue covers its centre. The annular zone surrounding the disc has irregular areas of pigmentation and depigmentation. The optic disc thus resembles a morning glory flower. Patients present with reduced visual acuity and strabismus and, in about one-third of patients, retinal detachment.
optic disc Region of the fundus of the eye corresponding to the optic nerve head. It can be seen with the ophthalmoscope as a pinkish-yellow area with usually a whitish depression called the physiological cup. The optic disc has an area of about 2.7 mm2, a horizontal width of about 1.75 mm and a vertical height of about 1.9 mm. The optic disc is the anatomical correlate of the physiological blind spot. It is greatly affected in glaucoma, papillitis, Leber's hereditary optic atrophy. Syn. optic nerve head; optic papilla (this is not strictly correct because the disc is not elevated above the surrounding retina). See glaucomatous cup; optic disc drusen; neuroretinal rim; papilloedema; Swann's syndrome.
pinhole disc (ph) A blank disc with a small aperture (2 mm diameter or less) mounted in a trial lens rim. It is used to reduce the size of the blur circle in an ametropic eye. In this condition vision will improve giving an indication of the final visual acuity that will be obtained with corrective lenses. If no improvement occurs, the eye is amblyopic. This procedure is called the pinhole test.
Scheiner's disc An opaque disc in which there are two pinholes separated by a distance less than the pupil diameter. It is used to measure the dioptric changes during accommodation or to detect the type of ametropia (Fig. D6). See Scheiner's experiment.
situs inversus of the disc A congenital, usually bilateral condition in which the retinal vessels course nasally from the disc instead of temporally. It is often associated with congenital scleral crescent and myopic astigmatism.
stenopaeic disc 1. A pinhole disc. 2. A blank disc with a slit used in detecting and measuring the astigmatism of the eye (Fig. D7). Syn. stenopaeic slit. Note: also spelt stenopeic or stenopaic. See kinescope; stenopaeic spectacles.
tilted disc A congenital, bilateral condition in which the optic nerves insert obliquely into the globe. It is often associated with congenital scleral crescent and myopic astigmatism. The only sign is a bitemporal visual field defect (often upper temporal).