bilevel positive airway pressure

bilevel positive airway pressure

n. A noninvasive method of respiratory therapy in which the level of air pressure delivered to the respiratory system increases during inspiration and decreases during expiration, used especially in the treatment of sleep apnea.

bi·le·vel pos·i·tive air·way pres·sure

(BiPAP) (bī-lev'ĕl poz'i-tiv ār'wā presh'ŭr) A term applied to several pressure-controlled modes of mechanical ventilation. The sequence can be continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV), intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV), or continuous spontaneous ventilation. Inspiration is either machine or patient triggered, pressure limited, or machine and patient cycled. The distinguishing feature of these modes is that the ventilator allows spontaneous breaths to occur during as well as between mandatory breaths.
See also: mandatory breath, spontaneous breath, mode of ventilation

bilevel positive airway pressure

Abbreviation: BiPAP
A type of continuous positive airway pressure in which inspiratory and expiratory pressure differ from each other.See also: pressure