Mayo-Robson point

May·o-Rob·son point

(mā'ō rob'sŏn), a point just above and to the right of the umbilicus, where tenderness on pressure exists in disease of the pancreas.

Mayo-Robson point

A point at the border of the inner two-thirds and external one-third of the line that bisects the left upper abdominal quadrant, where tenderness upon pressure is suggestive of pancreatic disease due to proximity of the tail of the pancreas to the abdominal wall.

May·o-Rob·son point

(mā'ō-rob'sŏn poynt) A point just above and to the right of the umbilicus, where tenderness on pressure exists in disease of the pancreas.


Sir Arthur W., English surgeon, 1853-1933. Mayo-Robson point - a point just above and to the right of the umbilicus, where tenderness on pressure exists in disease of the pancreas.Mayo-Robson position - a supine position used in gallbladder operations.