MMBMinding My Business
MMBMultimedia Builder (Multimedia presentation software)
MMBMobile Mounting Bracket
MMBMapi Messaging Benchmark
MMBMaintenance Mode Boot
MMBModular Multiplication Based Block
MMBMulti Media Builder
MMBMiddle Mouse Button
MMBMercer Marsh Benefits (medical trends)
MMBMadison Municipal Building (Madison, WI)
MMBMichigan Marching Band (University of)
MMBMighty Mighty Bosstones (band)
MMBMilk Marketing Board (various organizations)
MMBMeyers-Milias-Brown (law; California)
MMBMemanbetsu, Japan (Airport Code)
MMBMobil mit Behinderung (German: Mobile with Handicap and Disabilities; online magazine)
MMBMighty Marching Bucks (Raeford, NC)
MMBMassachusetts Mortgage Bankers (foundation; est. 2004)
MMBMinnesota Man Band
MMBFCC Mass Media Bureau
MMBMiss Me Baby (Chris Cagle song)
MMBMike Messer Band (band)
MMBMail Me Back
MMBMinnesota Marching Band
MMBMelbourne Municipal Band (Melbourne, FL)
MMBMcCarthy Mambro Bertino Advertising (Boston, Massachusetts)
MMBMedium Messaging Benchmark
MMBMulti-functional Medical Battalion (US DoD)
MMBMinimum Monthly Balance (banking)
MMBMolecular and Microbiology Department (George Mason University)
MMBMusic, Movies, and Books (Target Stores)
MMBModernization Management Board
MMBMiniature Multi-Band Beacon
MMBMarshall Municipal Band (Marshall, MO)
MMBMicrosoft Manual Burn
MMBMaintenance Management Branch
MMBMad Monkey Brigade (gaming)
MMBMystara Message Board
MMBMax Mülller Bhavan (India)
MMBMission Management Briefer
MMBMicrotechnology in Medicine and Biology
MMBMission Management Bus
MMBMicrotechnology Medicine Biology
MMBMassive Moving Barrier (crash test research)
MMBMidwest Medical Billing (Sylvan Lake, MI)