Abd ar-Rahman

Abd ar-Rahman

(äb'där-rämän`), d. 732, Muslim governor of Spain (721–32). Invading Aquitaine in 732, he won a victory over the Franks at Toulouse but was defeated in the battle of Tours by Charles MartelCharles Martel
[O.Fr.,=Charles the Hammer], 688?–741, Frankish ruler, illegitimate son of Pepin of Heristal and grandfather of Charlemagne. After the death of his father (714) he seized power in Austrasia from Pepin's widow, who was ruling as regent for her grandsons, and
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Abd ar-Rahman,

1778–1859, sultan of Morocco (1822–59). He sought, unsuccessfully, to take advantage of the overthrow of Turkish rule in Algeria in order to extend his territory. Later he allied himself with the emir, Abd al-KaderAbd al-Kader
, c.1807–1883, Algerian military and religious leader. Although born to an anti-Turkish family, he was chosen emir of Mascara to fight the French invaders who had just defeated the Turks.
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, but after their defeat at Isly (1844), he made peace with France and refused the emir further asylum in Morocco. Abd ar-Rahman was at various times involved in difficulties with Austria, Spain, and Great Britain.