mazel tov

ma·zel tov

also ma·zal tov M0167900 (mä′zəl tôf′, tôv′, tōv′)interj. Used to express congratulations or best wishes.
[Mishnaic Hebrew mazzāl ṭôb, good luck : mazzāl, constellation, destiny (ultimately from Akkadian manzaltu, mazzaztum, position of a star, from izuzzu, to stand; see ḏwḏ in Semitic roots) + ṭôb, good; see ṭyb in Semitic roots.]

ma•zel tov

(ˈmɑ zəl ˌtɔv, ˌtɔf, ˌtoʊv)

interj. (used to express congratulations). [1860–65; < Yiddish < Hebrew mazzāl tōbh good luck]